The tropical response to extratropical thermal forcing:
Theory and
We study the ITCZ response to extratropical thermal forcing in an
idealized configuration to build up a theoretical basis and apply the theory
to IPCC AR4 models forced with A2 scenario. First, in a simplified
framework, it is shown that the ITCZ response is determined by the response
in the atmospheric energy transport. The experiment is designed to perturb
the ITCZ from the extratropics by subtracting heat from high latitudes in
one hemisphere and simultaneously adding to high latitudes in the other
hemisphere in GFDL AM2 in an aqua-planet configuration coupled to a slab
ocean. We argue that the cloud radiative- and water vapor feedbacks are
important. Second, the energy balance model (EBM) can predict the response
in the atmospheric energy transport in the IPCC models when forced by
ice-albedo, cloud forcing, aerosols and ocean heat uptake. The predicted
cross-equatorial atmospheric energy transport can then be used to predict
the ITCZ trend: in models with pre dicted southward (northward)
cross-equatorial energy flux response from EBM, ITCZ tends to shift
northward (southward). Moreover, we can do the attribution by comparing each
forcing that is used to force the EBM. For example, in the 20th century, the
largest forcing is the increase in the shortwave scattering, mostly due to
sulfate aerosol increase in northern midlatitudes, which accounts for the
northward cross-equatorial energy fluxes to shift the ITCZ to the south.
However, in A2, due to differences in prescribed aerosol forcing in
different models, the ITCZ exhibits no consistent trend.