Workshop on Metrics of Ocean Models

Convenors: LuAnne Thompson, University of Washington, Julie McClean, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Sponsored by International Pacific Research Center at the University of Hawaii

Location: East-West Center

The meeting will take place in the Asia Room for the plenary session, and in the Asia, Washington and Pago Pago rooms for the breakout groups.

Date: February 25, 2006, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM

Participation: Open

Registration deadline: January 4, 2006

Registration fee: $50 (covers lunch and morning and afternoon coffee)

Registration is closed at this time.

Large-scale ocean models to be used for synoptic prediction must be capable of simulating high frequency (days to several months) and mesoscale (10 to 1000 km) processes. They must be able to realistically reproduce the climatological mean and variability of the general circulation of the upper water column. Metrics should be designed to understand the space-time scales resolved by the model as well as the representation of ocean processes by the model physics at the relevant scales. Diagnostics based on data comparisons, statistical measures, and governing dynamical balances in the ocean all represent means to understand the veracity of these ocean models. At this workshop we will discuss the current state of ocean metrics, and explore as a group what future work should be done to improve how ocean models are evaluated.

Longer description of workshop


Plenary talks in the morning from a diverse set of researchers on how metrics are currently used in ocean models. Afternoon will include breakout group discussions on metrics in different applications of ocean models including operational metrics, metrics in the ocean component of climate models, and metrics of ocean processes. We ask each participant to bring one or two powerpoint slides to share with the other members of breakout groups on their work on evaluation of ocean models and/or observational analyses.


Participant List

Revised 12/2005