Date |
Picture |
Location |
Description |
Source |
Between September and December, 2013 |
Sherwood Forest, Oahu |
Four 6-to-14-feet-long notched beams |
Found by lifeguards David Loganbill and Laakea Davis, reported by Nikolai Maximenko. |
12/07/2013 |
Lydgate Beach, Kauai |
Boat front. |
Found by Pamela Brown / Kauai Stories. Reported by Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/24/2013 |
Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Beam with many notches. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/24/2013 |
Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Notched beam. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/24/2013 |
Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Skinny log. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/24/2013 |
Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Plastic tablet with Kanji characters. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/17/2013 |
Lydgate Beach, Waialua, Kauai |
Tree trunk, app .55' long and 1.5' wide at breast height. Covered thickly with barnacles. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/15/2013 |
Kailua Beach, Oahu |
Herman Allerstorfer |
11/15/2013 |
Kailua Beach, Oahu |
Two attached beams, thickness 4.75", length of longer beam 11.5' with 3 nicely done mortise and tenons. |
Herman Allerstorfer |
11/12/2013 |
Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Propoane tank |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/12/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Large wooden piece about 20' long with tongue and groove. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/09/2013 |
Hanamaula Beach, Kauai |
Beam 10' x 5.75" x 5.75" with mortises. Tongue of beam below fits into hole of this beam. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/09/2013 |
Hanamaula Beach, Kauai |
Beam 8' x 5.75" x 5.75" with mortises. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
11/08/2013 |
Hanamaulu Beach, Kauai |
Light buoy from a fishing vessel; more than 6' tall, with Kanji characters at base. May not be tsunami debris says Carl Berg. |
11/07/2013 |
Hauula, beach across from Sacred Falls trail, Oahu |
Wooden beam 15' long with notches and attached ropes. |
Bonnie Wooten |
11/05/2013 |
Kalama Beach on Kailua Beach, Oahu |
Large log, length app. 20', diameter app. 3'. |
Jim Borg, Star-Advertiser |
11/02/2013 |
Malaekahana Bay, Oahu |
20 ft. ~6" x 6" wood beam, many fine open, through, and stub mortises, maybe from a house. |
Gisela Speidel, IPRC |
11/02/2013 |
Malaekahana Bay, Oahu |
Gisela Speidel, IPRC |
11/02/2013 |
Malaekahana Bay, Oahu |
25-ft to 30-ft pole, tapering in diameter from ~ 16" to 12", sawed at both ends. About 20' from above pole. |
Gisela Speidel, IPRC |
10/26/2013 |
Mahaulepu, Kauai |
Log 24 feet long. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
10/26/2013 |
Mahaulepu, Kauai |
Log 18 feet long. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
10/26/2013 |
Mahaulepu, Kauai |
Tree trunk, 12 feet long. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
10/20/2013 |
Larsen's Beach, Kauai |
Propane tank like the one reported 9/26/13 from Lanikai, and not like
American tanks. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
10/13/2013 |
Kapa'a lookout, Kauai |
Wooden beam with mortise and tenon features. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
10/04/2013 |
Kahuku, Campbell Wildlife Refuge, Oahu |
Wooden Beam 20' X 4" X 12", routed on both ends to accept two upright beams.
Plastic lettering denoted a village in Japan.
Paul Sensano, DLNR |
9/29/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Wooden planks with "nice" mortise and tenon joints. Perhaps a door or lid. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
9/29/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Wooden beam with moritse and tenon features, gooseneck barnacles, large hard barnacles, and mussels. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
9/26/2013 |
Lanikai Beach (Ocean Acess 9), Oahu |
Propane tank with Kanji-like characters. Still contains gas. |
Steve Clark |
Exact date unknown; found 9/24/2013 |
Kamilo Point, Hawaii Island |
Gabled roof end of small cabin with metal bracing holding all together. Beam length app. 15'. |
Megan Lamson, Bill Martin, and Hawaii Wild Life Fund |
Exact date unknown; found 9/17/2013 |
North of Donkey Beach, Kauai |
White plastic box: 2'x 2.5, with characters. |
Exact date unknown; found 9/17/2013 |
North of Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Skiff fragment: 4' in length, lettering "..MAHA" and "YANMAR." |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
9/07/2013 |
North of Donkey Beach, Kauai |
Small fridge: 18"x18"x33", with Japanese label. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
8/28/2013 |
Kapaa, Kauai |
Fuel tank with "Oriental lettering," tank still contained fuel. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
8/26/2013 |
Waipouli, Kauai |
Black oyster buoy. "Getting a lot more of the oyster floats, didn't keep track of them." |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
8/17/2013 |
Turtle Bay, Oahu |
Japanese fishing vessel. |
8/14/2013 |
Kawela Bay, Oahu |
Japanese fishing vessel. |
8/13/2013 |
North of Donkey Beach, Kauai |
20' insulated shipping- container side. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
8/05/2013 |
Ki'i Point, Hawaii Island |
Several figerglass and wood pieces from a small boat, with gooseneck and whlte barnacles. |
Megan Lamson, Bill Martin, and Hawaii Wild Life Fund |
8/02/2013 |
Kamilo Point, Hawaii Island |
Large glass lightbulb with Kanji characters. |
Megan Lamson, Bill Martin, and Hawaii Wild Life Fund |
7/14/2013 |
Lat: 28 31.25N Lon: 129 21.66W |
Sighted 15' chunk of floating telephone pole. |
s/v Ciminal Mischief |
7/13/2013 |
Lat: 28 18.7N
Lon: 134 58.9W |
Sighted 35' floating tree trunk. |
s/v Between The Sheets |
7/13/2013 |
Lat: 28.35.014 N
Lon: 138.53.48 W |
Struck what may have been a 10' section of telephone pole. |
s/v Manatea |
7/12/2013 |
One day before above location. |
Large pieces of debris, a
couple of pieces of lumber looked like parts of a house |
s/v Manatea |
7/14/2013 |
Kunia Beach, Kauai |
Oyster buoy with barnacles. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
7/14/2013 |
North or Kealia Beach, Kauai |
Remnants of a little fridge. |
Carl Berg (Surfrider) |
7/07/2013 |
Malaekahana, Oahu |
Barnacle encrusted fishing vessel like others from tsunami. |
Star-Advertiser |
late June 2013 |
Pauko Beach, Island of Hawaii |
Pallet with Kanji characters. |
Cynthia Ho,
Keep Puako Beautiful
Site Coordinator |
4/19/2013 |
Floated eight miles off of Waimea, Kauai; then lost to sight. |
Fishing vessel like others from tsunami. |
Spotted by fisherman; reported by Carl Berg (Surfrider) |
4/15/2013 |
Barking Sands, Kauai |
Large oyster buoy. |
John Burger, Pacific Missile Range Facility |
4/07/2013 |
Crescent City, CA |
20-foot-long skiff, covered in pelagic gooseneck barnacles. Writing says "Takata High School" |
3/19/2013 |
Makapuu, Oahu |
Large black oyster buoy. |
Cameron Fumar, UH. |
3/19/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Small buoys with oyster shells. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
3/19/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Small refrigerator door, 15"X22." |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
3/16/2013 |
Kai'ole Bay to Ki'i, Hawaii Island |
Mini fridge/cooler with rollers; rice-cooker-like thermos with spout, large buoys from Sanshin-Kako Co., Ltd. , small plastic toy items: camel, rhinos, army figurines. For more photos click here. |
Megan Lamson (Hawaii Wildlife Fund from Hawaii Wildlife Fund cleanup) |
3/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Oyster buoy. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
3/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Buoy with mussels. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
Feb. or March 2013 |
Lepeuli, Kauai |
Oyster buoy. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
3/07/2013 |
Kapa'a Beach, Kauai |
Plastic pallet, 4ft. x 4ft., floating flat in the water. Kanji characters on edges verified by Taro Nishijima from The Yomiuri Shimbun. |
Don Heacok (DLNR), reported by Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
3/05/2013 |
Kailua Beach, Oahu |
Thick rope of considerable length, possibly anchor rope, with many mussels. |
Jim Borg |
2/24/2013 |
Wailua Beach, Kauai |
Made in Japan ATV tire, 19" rim, broken off from axle. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
2/21/2013 (same photo as 2/15) |
Kapaa Shores, Kauai |
Large piece of floating dock similar to the one found on 2/15/2013. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
2/21/2013 |
Kealia Beach, Kauai |
42 yellow buoys. |
Don Heacock (DLNR) and Carl Berg (Surfrider) |
2/21/2013 |
Kealia Beach, Kauai |
Ribbed buoy together with 3 other buoys and large styrofoam pieces. |
Don Heacock (DLNR) and Carl Berg (Surfrider) |
2/19-21/2013 |
Hanauma Bay |
Large oyster buoy. |
Nikolai Maximenko |
2/14-21/2013 |
Campbell Wildlife Refuge, Kahuku |
Large oyster buoys. |
Bernard Capel |
2/15/2013 |
Makapuu |
Concrete encased styrofoam, 5ft. x 4ft: a dock? Barnacles & oyster shells. |
2/15/2013 |
Waipake, Kauai |
Large oyster buoy. |
Carl Berg and Surfrider-Kauai volunteers |
2/14/2013 |
Kapaa, Kauai |
Floating dock part. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
2/13/2013 |
Malaekahana |
20-ft. boat with barnacles and Kanji characters. |
2/2013, first week |
Waipake, Kauai |
Refrigerator door. |
Carl Berg and Surfrider-Kauai volunteers |
2/2013, first week |
Waipake, Kauai |
Small refrigerator. |
Carl Berg and Surfrider-Kauai volunteers |
2/2013, first week |
Waipake, Kauai |
Large buoy. |
Carl Berg and Surfrider-Kauai volunteers |
1/19/2013 |
Nohili Point, Barking Sands, Kauai |
Buoy, appx. 250lbs, appx. 15ft long and 4.5ft in diameter. Kanji or Hangul characters. For story click here. |
Dennis Rowley, Pac. Missile Range Facility |
1/18/2013 |
Waialua, North Shore, Oahu |
Cylinder, appx. 7ft wide, 3-4ft tall. |
1/16/2013 |
Honokohau, Kailua, Kona |
Skiff, appx. 18-20ft long, floating upside down. |
First days of January, 2013 |
Hanauma Bay, Oahu |
Refrigerator; Japanese tag, barnacles; floated several days in eddy; then entered bay. |
Lynn Pullen and Alan Hong reported 1/07/2013 |
12/24/2012 |
Waipake Beach, Kauai |
Small refrigerator door, Japanese tag, barnacles; found during daily beach cleanup. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |
12/23/2012 |
Punaluu, Oahu |
Skiff, 24ft long, found in surf; Asian green mussels; kanji characters on bow and side. |
11/29/2012 |
Kahana Bay, Oahu |
Skiff, 20ft long, kanji characters, similar to other boats found from tsunami. |
11/10/2012 |
Kahuku Golf Club coast, Oahu |
Refrigerator with barnacles and kanji characters and serial number. |
Kahi Pacarro, found during Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii Event |
11/04/2012 |
Kahala Beach Park, Oahu |
3-gallon gas can; non-native barnacles and kanji characters |
Chris Ostrander |
10/24/2012 |
Off-shore Diamond Head lookout, Oahu |
White plastic fragment (probably a lid), size of a large hand, with kanji characters |
Francois Ascani, while paddling |
10/18/2012 |
07°13' N by 150°54' W |
Large black oyster buoy; floating high in water; only a few barnacles. |
Jim Mackey sailing from Hawaii to Tahiti on This Boat |
10/03/2012 |
Naalehu, Kau, Island of Hawaii |
Metal object: appx.12ft tall, appx. 20ft diameter; on shore below Na`alehu. |
9/30/2012 |
Waimanalo Beach, O'ahu |
Asahi beer crate, kanji characters, washed up on beach. |
9/29/2012 |
700 miles north of Molokai |
Skiff, 20ft long, barnacles. Owner in Japan found, not interested in having boat back. |
9/28/2012 |
Kokee Beach in Hana, Maui |
Plastic hardhat; letters "Toyo"; from Toyo Safety Industrial in Japan. Found in tidepool. |
Kelson, Jud and Kelley reported to the IPRC |
9/26/2012 |
Kawaihae Harbor, Island of Hawaii |
Large red 500-watt lightbulb; kanji characters; gooseneck barnacles. |
Kinkaid reported to the IPRC |
2012 |
Kaunakai beach, Molokai |
Large grey 500-watt lightbulb; kanji characters. |
2012 |
East end, Kaunakakai, Molokai |
Large plastic open-top container, kanji characters, washed up on beach. |
2012 |
Ualapue, Molokai |
Gasoline tank, still smelling of gasoline, kanji characters, found floating. |
9/24/2012 |
34°9' N by 178°4.4' E |
Pleasure boat Sinonome, 1.5m above surface |
Shinyoumaru, Japanese vessel |
9/18/2012 |
Floated off Sea Life Park, Oahu |
Blue box, appx. 4 - 5ft tall; label of company: Y.K Suisan Co., Ltd., destroyed by tsunami. |
9/17/2012 |
30 miles north of Hana, Maui |
Dock, 30ft x 50ft; after 3 days vanished. Floated through Molokai Channel in IPRC model. |
8/20/2012 |
Hanalei Harbor, Kauai |
Large red 500-watt lightbulb; kanji characters; gooseneck barnacles. |
Cody Kimura, reported by Carl Berg, Surfrider Kauai |
8/19/2012 |
Kilauea Pt NWR, Kauai, similar to 10/18/2012 (photo source) |
Floating black oyster buoy. |
Carl Berg, Kauai Surfrider Foundation |