2010-2014: PhD in Quantitative Marine Science, University of Tasmania and CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
Thesis: Ekman Currents in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Supervisors: Prof. Nathan Bindoff, Dr Helen Phillips and Dr Steve Rintoul
2008-2009: Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with First Class Honours, University of Tasmania
Thesis: Validation of the SatGEM Velocity Dataset using Argo Data
Supervisors: Prof. Nathan Bindoff and Dr Helen Phillips
2004-2008: Bachelor of Science, Physics Major, University of Tasmania
Research Interests
Mesoscale eddy activity
Isopycnal mixing
Air-Sea interactions
Ekman currents and transport
Southern Ocean dynamics
Novel uses of Argo Float data
Scientific Work Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow, IPRC/SOEST, University of Hawaii at Manoa, January 2016-July 2017
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Florida State University, Examining isopycnal mixing in the Southern Ocean using Argo float trajectories, working with Kevin Speer (professor) and Dhruv Balwada (PhD student), 2014-2016