- 2011 – Ph.D., Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA
Dissertation title: Mechanisms of Tropical Pacific Climate Change: Beyond the Bjerknes Feedback
Advisor: Prof. Amy Clement
- 2008 – M.Sc., Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA
Thesis title: Climate Response of the Equatorial Pacific to Global Warming
Advisor: Prof. Amy Clement
- 2000 – Mech. Eng., Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research Interests
My research efforts to date have focused on understanding the coupled response of the tropical Pacific to past and future climate changes, whether ENSO is going to strengthen or weaken as greenhouse gases increase, and physical mechanisms that generate decadal climate variability in the Pacific basin. My approach is to identify mechanisms that operate across hierarchies of models and relate them to physical principles. Then I focus on how these robust mechanisms operate during future and past climate changes and link their impact to changes detected in observations or proxies. Through this research I have contributed to bridge long-standing scientific controversies on the signature of climate change in the tropical Pacific during future Global Warming and the Last Glacial Maximum. I have also presented new and provoking ideas on how the atmosphere and ocean interact to generate decadal climate variability in the Pacific.
Professional Experience
- SOEST Young Investigator, International Pacific Research Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2011– present
- Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, 2005 – 2011
Synergistic Activities
- Member of NOAA/CPC ENSO diagnostics panel
- Member of CLIVAR ENSO panel
- Reviewer for NSF, Nature Climate Change, Climate Dynamics, J. of Climate, GRL, JGR
- Facilitator on Environmental issues, Clinton Global Initiative University 2010, 16-18 Apr 2010
- Co-organizer, Student Forum on Climate Change / University of Miami, 8 May 2008
Recent Talks
- DiNezio, P.N., A.C. Clement, B.P. Kirtman, and M. Cane: Observational Evidence for a Weakly Coupled Mode of Pacific Decadal Variability. XBT Science Workshop, Melbourne Australia, 8 July 2011
- DiNezio, P.N., and Coauthors: Tropical Pacific Climate Change. MIT/EAPS, Boston MA, 9 June 2011
- DiNezio, P.N., and Coauthors: Projected ENSO Changes in Response to Global Warming: Subtle Changes that Make all the Difference. APAM Colloquium, Columbia U., 5 May 2011
- DiNezio, P.N., and Coauthors: Tropical Pacific Climate Change. NCAR, Boulder CO, 3 May 2011
- DiNezio, P N., and Coauthors: Sensitivity of ENSO to Global Warming. CLIVAR Workshop: New strategies for evaluating ENSO processes in climate models, Paris, France, 17-19 November 2010
- DiNezio, P.N., and Coauthors: Robust Climate Response of the Equatorial Pacific to Global Warming: Implications for Seasonal and ENSO-like Variability. Eos Trans. AGU meeting of the Americas, Iguassu, Brazil, 8-12 August 2010
- DiNezio, P.N., and Coauthors: Systematic Errors in XBT Observations. CLIVAR Fourth Global Synthesis and Observations Panel Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 11-13 November 2009
- Stevenson, S., A. Timmermann, Y. Chikamoto, S. Langford, and P.N. DiNezio, 2015: Stochastically Generated North American Megadroughts J. Climate, 28 (5), 1865-1880, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00689.1. IPRC-1093.
- DiNezio, P.N., and C. Deser, 2014: Nonlinear controls on the persistence of La Niña. J. Climate, 27 (19), 7335-7355, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00033.1. IPRC-1068.
- DiNezio, P.N., and J.E. Tierney, 2013: The effect of sea level on glacial Indo-Pacific climate. Nature Geoscience, 6, 485-491, doi:10.1038/ngeo1823. IPRC-984.
- DiNezio, P.N., A. Clement, G.A. Vecchi, B. Soden, A.J. Broccoli, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, and P. Braconnot, 2011: The response of the Walker circulation to Last Glacial Maximum forcing: Implications for detection in proxies. Paleoceanography, 26, PA3217, doi:10.1029/2010PA002083.
- DiNezio, P.N., and G. Goni, 2011: Direct Evidence of a Changing Fall-rate Bias in XBTs Manufactured During 1986-2008. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 28(11), 1569-1578.
- Clement A.C., P.N. DiNezio, and C. Deser, 2011: Rethinking the Ocean's Role in the Southern Oscillation. J. Climate, 24 (15), 4056-4072.
- Goni, G.J., F. Bringas, and P.N. DiNezio, 2011: Observed Low Frequency Variability of the Brazil Current Front. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10037, doi:10.1029/2011JC007198.
- DiNezio, P.N., A.C. Clement, and G.A. Vecchi, 2010: Reconciling Differing Views of Tropical Pacific Climate Change. Eos, Trans. AGU, 91 (16), 141-142.
- DiNezio, P.N., and G.J. Goni, 2010: Identifying and Estimating Biases Between XBT and Argo Observations Using Satellite Altimetry. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 27, 226-240.
- Goni G.J., D. Roemmich, R. Molinari, G. Meyers, C. Sun, T. Boyer, M. Baringer, V. Gouretski, P. N. DiNezio, F. Reseghetti, G. Vissa, S. Swart, R. Keeley, S. Garzoli, T. Rossby, C. Maes, and G. Reverdin, 2010: The Ship Of Opportunity Program. In Proceedings of the "OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society" Conference (Vol. 2), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., D.E. Harrison, and D. Stammer, Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306.
- DiNezio, P.N., A.C. Clement, G.A. Vecchi, B.J. Soden, B.J. Kirtman, and S.-K. Lee, 2009: Climate Response of the Equatorial Pacific to Global Warming. J. Climate, 22, 4873-4892.
- DiNezio, P.N., L. Gramer, W. Johns, C. Meinen, and M. Baringer, 2009: Observed Interannual Variability of the Florida Current: Wind Forcing and the North Atlantic Oscillation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 39, 721-736.