2000 - D.Sc. (Computational Mathematics), School of Mathematical
Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
1997 - M.S. (Computational Mathematics), School of Mathematical
Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
1995 - B.S. (Mathematics), Department of Mathematics, Nanjing Normal
University, Nanjing, China
Research Interests
Land surface processes
Land-atmospheric interaction
Regional climate modeling
Scientific Work Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow, International Pacific Research Center (IPRC), SOEST,
University of Hawaii, September 2004 – present
Assistant Professor, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, China, October 2002 – July 2004
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 2000 – October 2002
Wang, Y.S., B. Wang, H.W. Yang, and Y.F. Wang, 2004: An Artificial Boundary
Condition for the Multisymplectic Preissman Scheme. Journal of the
Physical Society of Japan, 73 (6),1457 – 1463.
Xie, Z.H., Q. Lui, F. Yuan, and H.W. Yang, 2004: Macro-scale land
hydrological model based on 50km x 50km grids system. SHUILI XUEBAO, 5, 76 – 82. (in Chinese)
Ji, Z.Z., H.W. Yang, and B. Wang, 2003: Comparison of two kinds of finite
difference scheme's application in numerical simulation of frontogenesis,
Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 20 (4), 311 – 314. (in
Wang, Y.S., B. Wang, H.W. Yang, and Y.F. Wang, 2003: Multisymplectic
five-point scheme for the nonlinear wave equation. Chinese Science Bulletin,
48, Supp.II, 24 – 29.
Yang, H.W., and Z.H. Xie, 2003: A new method to dynamically simulate groundwater
table in land surface model VIC. Progress in Natural Science, 13,
37 – 43.
Zhao, Y., Z.Z. Ji, H.W. Yang, and B. Wang, 2003: A new method
for constructing total energy conservation algorithms. Progress in Natural
Science, 13 (1), 59 – 62.
Yang, H.W., 2002: Simulation of Axisymmetric Two-Dimensional Shock Tube Driven
by Hydrogen Oxygen Detonation. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis
Pekinensis, 38, 622 – 628.
Yang, H.W., B. Wang, and Z.Z. Ji, 2002: Application of artificial compression
method in simulation of frontogenesis in two dimensions. Advances in Atmospheric
Sciences, 19, 863 – 869.
Yang, H.W., 2001: Viscosity methods for piecewise smooth solutions to
nonhomogeneous scalar conservations laws. Numerical Mathematics A Journal of
Chinese Universities, 3, 273 – 280. (in Chinese)