- 1978 - B.Sc. (Physics and Geophysics), University of Aarhus,
- 1981 - Cand. Scient. degree (Physical Oceanography), University of
Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and
- 1986 - Ph.D. (Physical Oceanography)
University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy,
Physics and Geophysics. Advisor: Gunnar Kullenberg
- 1989 - Ph.D. (Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics), The Florida State
Dissertation title: A Numerical Study of the Seasonal Variability
of the Somali Current, December, 1989. Advisor:
James J. O'Brien
Research Interests
- Numerical modeling of oceans
- coupled ocean-atmosphere models (GCMs)
- Equatorial dynamics
- Geophysical fluid dynamics
- Air-sea interaction
- Coastal oceanography
Scientific Work Experience
University of Hawaii, SOEST,
International Pacific Research Center:
- Associate Researcher, since May 1998
- Research Affiliate, Dept. of Oceanography, since August 2001
Colorado State University, Dept.
of Atmospheric Science:
- Research Scientist, July 1996 – May 1998
- Research Associate, Nov 1989 – June 1996
- Lecturer in Physical Oceanography, ( AT770 Graduate course), Fall
1990 – Spring 1998
International Research Centre for
Computational Hydrodynamics, Danish Hydraulic Institute, Denmark:
- Visiting Scientist, 8/1/94 – 2/1/95, 5/1/95 – 7/1/95 and 4/1/96 – 6/15/96
The Florida State University:
University of Copenhagen, Niels
Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, Dept. of Physical
- Lecturer in Physical Oceanography, Spring 1985
- University Graduate Fellow, 1983 – 85
- Research Assistant, Nordic Council for Physical Oceanography,
1980 – 83
- Assistant Teacher in Physical Oceanography, 1979 – 84
Professional Service
- Editor, Journal of Climate, 2003 – 2006.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Climate, 2001 – 2003.
- Contributor, SMP-Evaluation Project, NERSC,
Lawrence Livermore National Lab., 1995.
- Science Team Member, Computer Hardware, Advanced
Mathematics and Model Physics (CHAMMP) program, DOE, 1992 – 2001.
- Course in Programming the Connection Machine System, Los Alamos,
- Invited Lecturer in Equatorial Dynamics, WOCE
Short Course for Latin American Students, Instituto Oceanografico
Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1990.
U.S. Dept of Energy, National Science
Foundation, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Louisiana
State Board of Regents DEPSCoR Program, Gulf of Maine Regional Marine
Research Program, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research
Letters, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Monthly Weather Review, Pure
and Applied Geophysics, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of
Climate, Oceanography, National Weather Digest, Journal of Atmospheric
and Oceanic Technology, Deep-Sea Research, Ocean Modelling, Journal of
Marine Research, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Selected Publications
- Jensen, T.G., 2007: Introduction: Special Issue on Indian Ocean
Climate. J. Climate, 20, 2869 – 2871.
- Jensen, T.G., 2007: Wind-driven response of the northern Indian
Ocean to climate extremes. J. Climate, 20, 2978 – 2993.
- McCreary, J. P., T. Miyama, R. Furue, T. Jensen, H.-W. Kang, B.
Bang, and T. Qu, 2007: Interactions between the Indonesian
Throughflow and circulations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Progr. in Oceanography, 75 (1), 70 – 114.
- Haertel, P.T., D.A. Randall, and T.G. Jensen, 2004: Simulating
upwelling in a large lake using slippery sacks. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
132, 66 – 77.
- Kim, Y.Y., T. Qu, T. Jensen, T. Miyama, H. Mitsudera, H.-W. Kang,
and A. Ishida, 2004: Seasonal and interannual variations of the North
Equatorial Current bifurcation in a high-resolution OGCM. J.
Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 109, C03040,
- Jensen, T.G., 2003: Barotropic mode errors in an Indian Ocean model
associated with the GWR method. Global and Planetary Change,
37, 1 – 18.
- Jensen, T.G., 2003: Cross-equatorial pathways of salt and tracers
from the northern Indian Ocean: Modelling results. Deep Sea
Research, 50, 2111 – 2128.
- Miyama, T., J.P. McCreary, T.G. Jensen, J. Loschnigg, S. Godfrey,
and A. Ishida, 2003: Structure and dynamics of the Indian-Ocean
cross-equatorial cell. Deep Sea Research, 50,
2023 – 2048.
- Jensen, T.G., 2001: Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal exchange of salt
and tracers in an ocean model. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28,
3967 – 3970.
- Jensen, T.G., 2001: Application of the GWR method to the tropical
Indian Ocean. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 470 – 485.
- Bounoua, L., G. Collatz, P. Sellers, D. Randall, D. Dazlich, S.
Los, J. Berry, I. Fung, C. Tucker, C. Field, and T. Jensen, 1998:
Interactions between Vegetation and Climate: Radiative and
Physiological Effects of Doubled CO2. J. Climate, 12,
301 – 324.
- Jensen, T., 1998: Open boundary conditions in stratified ocean
models. J. Mar. Sys., 16, 297 – 322.
- Jensen, T.G., 1998: Sensitivity of the tropical Pacific Ocean
circulation to inaccuracies in surface flux forcing. Ninth Conference
on Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, Phoenix, Arizona, 87 – 90.
- Jensen, T.G., 1996: Artificial Retardation of Barotropic Waves in
Layered Ocean Models. Mon. Wea. Rev., 124,
1272 – 1283.
- Sellers, P., L. Bounoua, G. Collatz, D. Randall, D. Dazlich, S.
Los, J. Berry, I. Fung, C. Tucker, C. Field, and T. Jensen, 1996: A
Comparison of the Radiative and Physiological Effects of Doubled CO2
on the Global Climate. Science, 271, 1402 – 1406.
- Jensen, T.G., D. Dazlich, and D.A. Randall, 1995: A
one-dimensional mixed layer ocean and sea ice model with prescribed
oceanic heat transport. Atmospheric Science Paper No. 593, Colorado
State University, 46.
- Jensen, T.G., 1994: A Quasi-Isopycnal Upper Ocean Model for
Climate Modelling. Fifth Symposium on Climate Change Studies, American
Meteorological Society, Nashville, 77 – 80.
- Jensen, T.G., 1993: Equatorial Variability and Resonance in a
Wind-Driven Indian Ocean Model Journal of the Geophysical Research,
98, 22,533 – 22,552.
- Jensen, T.G., 1991: Modeling the Seasonal Undercurrents in the
Somali Current System. Journal of the Geophysical Research,
96, 22,151 – 22,167.