1999 - Ph.D. (Oceanography), Florida State University,
Tallahassee, Florida.
1991 - M.S. (Oceanography), Seoul National University,
1989 - B.S. (Earth Science), Seoul National
University, Korea.
Research Interests
Oceanic & Atmospheric Variability associated with MJO,
Ocean Circulation and Climate
Low Latitude Western Boundary Currents
Interaction between Deep and Shallow Oceans
Scientific Work Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow, International Pacific Research
Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2001
– present
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Florida State
University, Tallahassee, Florida, August 1999 – September 2001
Research Assistant, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, Florida, January 1995 – July 1999
Research Assistant, University of Rhode Island,
Kingston, Rhode Island, August 1993 – December 1994
Researcher, Korea Ocean Research & Development
Institute, Seoul, Korea, September 1991 – May 1993
Research Assistant at Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea, March 1989 – August 1991
Kim, K.-Y., and Y.Y. Kim: Investigation of Tropical Pacific
Upper-Ocean Variability Using Cyclostationary EOFs of Assimilated
Data. Ocean Dynamics, in press.
Qu, T. , Y.Y. Kim, M. Yaremchuk, T. Tozuka, A.
Ishida, and T. Yamagata: Can Luzon Strait transport play a role in
conveying the impact of ENSO to the South China Sea? J. Climate,
in press.
Kim, Y.Y., T. Qu, T. Jensen, T. Miyama, H.
Mitsudera, H.-W. Kang, and A. Ishida, 2004: Seasonal and interannual
variations of the North Equatorial Current bifurcation in a
high-resolution OGCM. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 109,
C03040, doi:10.1029/2003JC002013.
Kim, K.-Y., and Y.Y. Kim, 2002: Mechanism of
Kelvin and Rossby Waves during ENSO Events. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys.,
Kim, Y.Y., G.L. Weatherly, and L.J. Pietrafesa,
2001: On the mass and Salt Budgets for a region of the Continental
Shelf in the Southern Mid-Atlantic Bight. J. Geophys. Res.,
106 (C12), 31,263-31,282.
Weatherly, G.L., Y.Y. Kim, and E.A. Kontar,
2000: Eulerian Measurements of the North Atlantic Deep Water Deep
Western Boundary Current at 18 deg S. J. Phys. Oceangr.,
30, 971-986.
Weatherly, G.L., Y.Y. Kim, and E.A. Kontar,
1998: Eulerian Measurements of the North Atlantic Deep Water Deep
Western Boundary Current at 18 deg S. International WOCE
Newsletter, 32, 16-17.
Suh, K.D., Y.Y. Kim, and D.Y. Lee, 1994:
Equilibrium-Range Spectrum of Waves Propagating on Currents. J.
Wtrwy., Port., Coast. and Oc. Engrg., (ASCE), 120,
Oh, I.S., and Y.Y. Kim, 1992: Wave
Characteristics Changes under a strong Tidal Current Influence. La
mer, 30, 275-285.