2006 - Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University,
2000 - M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University,
1998 - B.S. Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University,
Research Interests
Climate variability of the Asian-Pacific summer monsoon
ENSO-atmospheric noise interactions
Statistical modeling and predictability for seasonal prediction
Changes in climate systems due to global warming
Scientific Work Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow International Pacific Research Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii, November 2008 – present
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Research Institute of Basic Sciences, Seoul National University, September 2006 – October 2008
Research Assistant, Korean Ocean Research and Developments Institute, July 2007 – October 2008
Lecturer, Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyung-Pook University, March 2007 – August 2007
Lecturer, Department of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Kyung-Hee University, September 2005 – August 2007
Research Assistant, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, March 1998 – August 2006
Lecturer, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Kongju National University, September 2003 – August 2004
Teacher's Associate, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,
Seoul National University, March 2001 – February 2002
Refereed Publications
Yim, S.-Y., B. Wang, and M. Kwon, 2014: Interdecadal change of the controlling mechanisms for East Asian early summer rainfall variation around the mid-1990s. Clim. Dyn., 42 (5‐6), 1325-1333, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1760-6. IPRC-973.
Kwon, M., S.-W. Yeh, J.-G. Jhun, and Y.-K. Park, 2008: Changes in the
relationship between ENSO and PDO due to the global warming. Geophys.
Res. Lett., submitted.
Kug, J.-S., K.P. Sooraj, F.-F. Jin, J.-G. Luo, and M. Kwon, 2008:
Impact of Indian Ocean Dipole on high-frequency atmospheric variability
over the Indian Ocean. Atmos. Res., in press.
Lee, S.-M., J.-G. Jhun, M. Kwon, and W.-M. Kim, 2008: Change in
characteristics of western North Pacific summer monsoon with CO2
increase. Asian-Pacific Jour. of Atmos. Sci., in press.
Park, J.-S., J.-G. Jhun, and M. Kwon, 2008: Prominent features of
large-Scale atmospheric circulation during spring drought over Northeast
Asia. Adv. in Atmos. Sci., in press.
Kwon, M., J.-G. Jhun, and K.-J. Ha, 2007: Decadal change in east
Asian summer monsoon circulation in the mid-1990s. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
34, L21706, doi:10.1029/ 2007GL031977.
Lee, Y.-K., B.-K. Moon, M. Kwon, and J.-G. Jhun, 2006: Roles of wind
stress variations in the western North Pacific on the decadal change of
ENSO. J. Korean Earth Sci. Soc., 27, 687-694.
Kwon, M., J.-G. Jhun, B. Wang, S.-I. An, and J.-S. Kug, 2005: Decadal
change in relationship between east Asian and WNP summer monsoons. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
32, L16709, doi:10.1029/2005GL023026.
Jhun, J.-G., and M. Kwon, 2001: Impacts of the variation in tropical
deep convection near the warm pool area on the East Asian monsoon. J.
Korean Meteor. Soc., 37, 75-88.