1992, B.A. (Physics and International Relations - double major),
University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1995, M.S. (Astrophysical, Planetary and Atmospheric Sciences),
University of Colorado, Boulder.
1998, Ph.D. (Astrophysical, Planetary and Atmospheric Sciences),
University of Colorado, Boulder.
Dissertation title: "The Heat Balance of the Indian Ocean".
Advisor: Peter J. Webster
Research Interests
Indian Ocean climate dynamics; ENSO-Monsoon interactions and the
Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation
Analysis of Asian-Pacific climate change in the context of
increased CO2 in coupled ocean-atmosphere models.
Climate Impacts and Applications; Climate variability and climate
change and the impacts on disease and human health.
Visiting Assistant Researcher, International
Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii. (November 2001 -
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, International
Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii. (May 1999-October
Research Associate, Program in Atmospheric and
Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder. (September
1998-April 1999)
Graduate Research Assistant, Program in
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado at Boulder.
(1993-August 1998)
Scientific Assistant, Planetary Sciences
Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. (1992-1993)
P.J. Webster, A.M. Moore, J. Loschnigg and R.
Leben, 1999: Coupled ocean-atmosphere dynamics in the Indian Ocean
during 1997-98. Nature, 401, 356-360.
J. Loschnigg and P.J. Webster, 2000: A coupled
ocean-atmosphere system of SST modulation for the Indian Ocean."
J. Climate, 13, 3342-3360.
P.J. Webster, C. Clark, G. Cherikova, J. Fasullo, W. Han,
J. Loschnigg and K. Sahami, 2001: The Monsoon as a
Self-regulating Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System. In
Bob Pierce (Ed.): Meteorology at the Millennium, Academic
Press. 650 pp.
E. Shea, G. Dolcemascolo, C. Anderson, A. Barnston, C. Guard, M.
Hamnett,S. Kubota, N. Lewis, J. Loschnigg and G.
Meehl, 2001: Preparing for a Changing Climate: The Potential
Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. Report of the
Pacific Islands Regional Assessment Team for the U.S. Global Change
Reseach Program.
J. Loschnigg and P.J. Webster, 2001: Interannual
Variability in an Indian Ocean basin model. Submitted to J.
J. Loschnigg, G. Meehl and J. Arblaster,
2002: The Asian Monsoon, the Tropospheric Biennial Oscillation and the
Indian Ocean Dipole in the NCAR Climate System Model. In progress,
for submission to J. Climate.
T. Miyama, J.P. McCreary, T. Jensen, J. Loschnigg,
S. Godfrey and A. Ishida, 2002: Structure and Dynamics of the Indian
Ocean Cross-Equatorial Cell. In progress.
E. Whitcomb, J. Loschnigg and P.J. Webster, 2002:
The Monsoon and mortality: An historical study in the seasonal
variability of climate and disease in British India.
In progress, for submission to Bull. Am. Met. Soc.
J. Loschnigg, N. Lewis and M. Hamnett, 2002:
The Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Disease and
Human Health in the Pacific Islands. In progress, for submission
to Bull. Am. Met. Soc.