1958 - Vordiplom (B.S.): Major in Mathematics and Minor in Physics,
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany
1961 - Diplom (M.S.): Major in Mathematics and Minor in Physics, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Kiel,
1963 - Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.), magna cum laude,
Major in Mathematics and Minor in Physics and Oceanography, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
Current Main Research Interest
Climate and Society
Professional Experience
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Professor, Department of Oceanography, September 1975 – July 2009
Executive Associate Director, International Pacific Research
Center, November 1998 – March 2008
Director, International Center for Climate and Society, March 2003 – present
Chairperson, Department of Oceanography, January 2005 – June 2006
Director of Education, Marine Bioproducts Engineering Center,
November 2000 – October 2001
Associate Dean, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology,
January 1992 – December 2000
Acting Dean, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology,
July 1999 – December 1999
Acting Associate Dean, School of Ocean and Earth Science and
Technology, October 1989 – December 1991
Chairman, Department of Oceanography, July 1984 – June 1990
Chairman, Graduate Field of Study in Oceanography, July 1984 – June 1990
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu
Kiel, Institut fuer Meereskunde Kiel, Germany
Professor, (Associate Professor), March 1972 – August 1975
Dozent, (Associate Professor without tenure), January 1969 – February 1972
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, (Assistant Professor), April 1964 – December 1968
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, (Assistant Scientist), March 1961 – March 1964
Liege University Medal, Liege, Belgium, April 1973
Docente libre (Grado 5), Seccion Oceanografia, Instituto de
Biologia, Facultad de Sciences, Universidad de la Republica del
Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay, March 1997 – present
International Award, PACON (Pacific Congress on Marine Science and
Technology), June 2000
Fellow, Marine Technology Society, November 2001
Selected Publications
Magaard, L., and G. Rheinheimer (Ed.), 1974: Meereskunde
der Ostsee (Oceanography of the Baltic Sea). Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, pp. 269.
Articles in Books
Magaard, L., 1974: Wasserstandsschwankungen und Seegang (Sea
level oscillations and wind waves). In Magaard, L., and G.
Rheinheimer (Eds.), Meereskunde der Ostsee, Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, pp. 67 – 75.
Magaard, L., 1979: Low frequency motions in the North
Pacific and their possible generation by meteorological forces.
In Nihoul, J.C.J. (Ed.), Marine Forecasting,
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 57 – 60.
Magaard, L., and L.A. Mysak, 1986: Ocean waves:
classification and basic features. In Suendermann, J. (Ed.),
Landolt-Boernstein, New Series, Vol. V/3c:
Oceanography, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1 – 16
Yun, J.-Y., J.M., Price, and L. Magaard, 1991: Observational
characteristics of internal temperature fluctuations in the
mid-latitude North Pacific. In Takano, K. (Ed.), Oceanography of
Asian Marginal Seas, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1 – 23.
Lass, H.U., and L. Magaard, 1996: Wasserstandsschwankungen
und Seegang (Sea level oscillations and wind waves). In Rheinheimer,
G. (Ed.), Meereskunde der Ostsee, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, pp. 68 – 74.
Verlaan, P.A., L. Magaard, and H.-J. Brosin, 1996:
Management der Ostsee (Management of the Baltic Sea). In Rheinheimer,
G. (Ed), Meereskunde der Ostsee, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
2nd ed., pp. 302 – 312.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Krauss, W., and L. Magaard, 1961: Zum Spektrum der internen
Wellen der Ostsee (Energy spectra of the internal movements of the
Baltic Sea). Kieler Meeresforsch., 17, 136 – 147.
Magaard, L., 1962: Zur Berechnung interner Wellen in
Meeresraeumen mit nicht-ebenen Boeden bei einer speziellen
Dichteverteilung (On computation of internal waves in oceans of
variable depth and special density distribution). Kieler
Meeresforsch., 18, 161 – 183.
Krauss, W., and L. Magaard, 1962: Zum System der
Eigenschwingungen der Ostsee (On the seiches system of the Baltic
Sea). Kieler Meeresforsch., 18, 184 – 186.
Magaard, L., 1965: Zur Theorie zweidimensionaler
nichtlinear interner Wellen in stetig geschichteten Medien (On the
theory of two-dimensional nonlinear internal waves in continuously
stratified media). Kieler Meeresforsch., 21,
22 –23.
Magaard, L., and W. Krauss, 1966: Spektren der
Wasserstandsschwankungen der Ostee im Jahre 1958 (Spectra of the 1958
sea level records in the Baltic). Kieler Meeresforsch., 22,
155 – 162.
Magaard, L., and W. Krauss (1967): Internal waves at Diamond
Stations during the International Iceland-Faroe-Ridge Expedition,
May – June1960. Rapp. et Proc. Verb., 157, 173 – 183.
Magaard, L., (1968): Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der internen
Wellen als Stoerungen geostrophischer Stroemungen (A contribution to
the theory of internal waves as perturbations of geostrophic
currents). Dt. hydrogr. Z., 21, 241 –278.
Kielmann, J., W. Krauss, and L. Magaard, 1969: Ueber
die Verteilung der kinetischen Energie im Bereich der Traegheits-und
Seichesfrequenczen der Ostsee im August 1964 (Internationales
Ostseeprogramm) [On the energy distribution in the range of the
inertial- and seiches-period motions in the Baltic Sea in August 1964
(International Baltic Sea Programme)]. Kieler Meeresforsch.,
25, 245 – 254.
Magaard, L., 1971: Zur Berechnung von luftdruck- und
windbedingten Bewegungen eines stetig geschichteten seitlich
unbegrenzten Meeres (On the computation of motions due to air pressure
and wind in a continuously stratified horizontally unbounded ocean).
Dt. hydrogr. Z., 24, 145 – 158.
Magaard, L., 1973: On the generation of internal gravity
waves by a fluctuating buoyancy flux at the sea surface.
Geophys. Fluid. Dyn., 5, 101 – 111.
Magaard, L., and W.D. McKee, 1973: Semi-diurnal tidal
currents at "site-D". Deep-Sea Res., 20, 997 – 1009.
Magaard, L., 1974: On the generation of internal gravity
waves by meteorological forces. Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege,
6, 79 – 84.
Magaard, L., 1974: On the generation of internal movements
of the sea by meteorological forces. Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci.
Liege,6, 85 – 91.
Keunecke, K. H., and L. Magaard, 1975: Measurements by means
of towed thermistor cables and problems of their interpretation with
respect to mesoscale processes. Mem. Soc. Roy. Sci. Liege,
7, 147 – 160.
Wyrtki, K., L. Magaard, and J. Hager, 1976: Eddy
energy in the oceans. J. Geophys. Res., 81, 2641 – 2646.
Emery, W.J., and L. Magaard, 1976: Baroclinic Rossby waves
as inferred from temperature fluctuations in the Eastern Pacific.
J. Mar. Res., 34, 365 – 385.
Magaard, L., 1977: On the generation of baroclinic Rossby
waves in the ocean by meteorological forces. J. Phys.
Oceanogr., 7, 359 – 364.
Magaard, L., and J.M. Price, 1977: Note on the significance
of a previous Rossby wave fit to internal temperature fluctuations in
the Eastern Pacific. J. Mar. Res., 35, 649 – 651.
Kang, Y.Q., and L. Magaard, 1979: Stable and unstable
Rossby waves in the North Pacific Current as inferred from the mean
stratification. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 3, 1 – 14.
Price, J.M., and L. Magaard, 1980: Rossby wave analysis of
the baroclinic potential energy in the upper 500 meters of the North
Pacific. J. Mar. Res., 38, 249 – 264.
Kang, Y. Q., and L. Magaard, 1980: Annual baroclinic Rossby
waves in the Central North Pacific. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
10, 1159 – 1167.
Gallagher, B., L. Magaard, and E. Gutteling, 1981:
Closure for velocity/pressure gradient correlations in turbulent shear
flow. Phys. Fluids, 24, 1605 – 1610.
Gallegos-Garcia, A., W.J. Emery, R.O. Reid, and L. Magaard,
1981: Frequency-wavenumber spectra of sea surface temperature
and wind stress curl in the eastern North Pacific. J. Phys.
Oceanogr., 11, 1059 – 1077.
Kang, Y.Q., and L. Magaard, 1982: Annual temperature
fluctuations at the Subtropical and Subarctic Fronts in the
Central North Pacific. J. Geophys. Res., 87, 5663 – 5665.
Kang, Y.Q., Price, J.M. and L. Magaard, 1982: On stable
and unstable Rossby waves in non-zonal oceanic shear flow. J.
Phys. Oceanogr., 12, 528 – 537.
Magaard, L., 1983: On the potential energy of baroclinic
Rossby waves in the North Pacific. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
13, 38 – 42.
Price, J. M., and L. Magaard, 1983: Rossby wave analysis of
subsurface temperature fluctuations along the Honolulu-San Francisco
great circle. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13, 258 – 268.
Mysak, L.A., and L. Magaard, 1983: Rossby wave driven
Eulerian mean flows along non-zonal barriers, with application to the
Hawaiian Ridge. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 13, 1716 – 1725.
Emery, W.J., W.G. Lee, and L. Magaard, 1984: Geographic
and seasonal distributions of Brunt-Vaisala frequency and Rossby radii
in the North Pacific and North Atlantic. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
14, 294 – 317.
Oh, I.S., and L. Magaard, 1984: Rossby wave induced
secondary flows near barriers, with application to the Hawaiian Ridge.
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 14, 1510 – 1513.
Price, J.M., and L. Magaard, 1986: Interannual baroclinic
Rossby waves in the mid-latitude North Atlantic. J. Phys.
Oceanogr., 16, 2061 – 2070.
Sun, L.C., J.M. Price, L. Magaard, and G. Roden, 1988: The
North Hawaiian Ridge Current, a comparison between an analytical
theory and some prior observations. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
18, 384 – 388.
Takahashi, P.K., K.R. McKinley, V.D. Phillips, L. Magaard, and
P. Koske, 1993: Marine macrobiotechnology systems. J.
Mar. Biotechnol., 1, 9 – 15.
Smith, C., R. Pope, D.J. DeMaster, and L. Magaard, 1993:
Age-dependent mixing in deep-sea sediments. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta, 57, 1473 – 1488.
Graef, F., and L. Magaard, 1994: Reflection of nonlinear
baroclinic Rossby waves and the driving of secondary mean flows.
J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24, 1867 – 1894.
Yun, J.-Y., J.M. Price, and L. Magaard, 1995: Radiating
instability of non-zonal oceanic shear flows with application to the
Kuroshio Extension Current. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25,
1788 – 1804.
Yun, J.-Y., J.M. Price, and L. Magaard, 2000: Recalculated
radiating instabilities using the correct matching and boundary
conditions. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 1788 – 1804.
Yun, J.-Y., L. Magaard, K. Kim, C.-W. Shin, C. Kim, and S.-Y. Byun, 2004:
Spatial and temporal variability of the North Korean Water leading to
the near-bottom dole water intrusion in Korea Strait. Progr. in
Oceanography, 60, 99 – 131.
Grossmann, W.D., J.B. Marsh, L. Magaard, and H. von Storch: Two-region analysis of
changing economic and environmental risks.
Climatic Change (submitted).
Other Unpublished Work
Magaard, L., 1963: Zur Einbettung Riemannscher Raeume in Einstein-Raeume und konform-euklidische Raeume. Ph.D. Dissertation, Universitaet Kiel, pp. 46. (English Title: On the imbedding of Riemannian spaces into
Einstein spaces and conformally-euclidean spaces.)