1999 - Ph.D. (Climate Dynamics), Institute of Atmospheric Physics,
Beijing, China
Dissertation: On the Interannual Variability of Subtropical High
Belt and Subtropical Anticyclone over Western Pacific and their
Connections with Tropical SSTA Pattern
1995 - M.S. (Atmospheric Sciences), Chinese Meteorological
Institute, Beijing, China
1992 - B.S. (Atmospheric Sciences), Nanjing Institute of
Meteorology, Nanjing, China
Research Interests
Climate model resolution and its ability to simulate monsoon
climate and variability
Air-sea Interaction over Warm Pool and monsoon variability and
Dynamics of subtropical anticyclone from weather to climate scale
Historical and future trends of arid and semiarid climate
Scientific Work Experience
IPRC, University of Hawaii, June 2001 – November 2009
Climate Model Leading Scientist, LASG, Institute of Atmospheric
Sciences, China, January – June 2001
Visiting Scholar, CCR, National Center for Atmospheric Research,
October – December 2000
Associate Scientist, LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences,
China, May 1999 – October 2000
Refereed Publications
Liu, P., M. Satoh, B. Wang, H. Fudeyasu, T. Nasuno, T. Li,
H. Miura, H. Taniguchi, H. Masunaga, X. Fu, and H. Annamalai: An MJO
Simulated by the NICAM at 14-km and 7-km Resolutions. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
in press.
Fu, X., B. Wang, Q. Bao, P. Liu, and J.-Y. Lee, 2009:
Impacts of initial conditions on monsoon intraseasonal forecasting. Geophys.
Res. Lett., 36, L08801; doi:10.1029/2009GL037166.
Liu, P., Y. Kajikawa, B. Wang, A. Kitoh, T. Yasunari, T. Li,
H. Annamalai, X. Fu, K. Kikuchi, R. Mizuta, K. Rajendran, D. E.
Waliser, D. Kim, 2009: Tropical Intraseasonal Variability in the
MRI-20km60L AGCM. J. Climate, 22 (8), 2006 – 2022, doi:
Fu, X., B. Wang, B. Qing, P. Liu, and B. Yang, 2008:
Experimental dynamical forecast of an MJO event observed during
TOGA-COARE Period. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 1,
24 – 28.
Wang, B., J.-Y. Lee, I.-S. Kang, J. Shukla, C.-K Park, A. Kumar, J.
Schemm, S. Cocke, J.-S. Kug, J.-J. Luo, T. Zhou, B. Wang, X. Fu, W.-T.
Yun, O. Alves, E. K. Jin, J. Kinter, B. Kirtman, T. Krishnamurti, N. C.
Lau, W. Lau, P. Liu, P. Pegion, T. Rosati, S. Schubert, W. Stern, M.
Suarez, and T. Yamagata: Advance and Prospectus of Seasonal Prediction,
2008: Assessment of the APCC/CliPAS 14-Model Ensemble Retrospective
Seasonal Prediction (1980 – 2004). Clim. Dyn., DOI:
10.1007/s00382-008-0460-0. IPRC-548.
Li, T. P. Liu, X. Fu, B. Wang, and G.A. Meehl, 2006:
Spatiotemporal structures and mechanisms of the trppospheric biennial
oscillation in the Indo-Pacific warm ocean regions. J. Climate,
19, 3070 – 3087.
Annamalai, H., and P. Liu, 2005: Response of the Asian
Summer Monsoon to changes in ENSO properties. Quart. J. Royal Met.
Soc., 131, 805 – 831.
Annamalai, H., P. Liu, and S.-P. Xie, 2005: Southwest Indian
Ocean SST variability: Its local effect and remote influence on Asian
Monsoons. J. Climate, 18, 4150 –4167.
Mapes, B. E., Liu P., Buenning N., 2005: Indian monsoon onset and the Americas
midsummer drought: Out-of-equilibrium responses to smooth seasonal
forcing. J. Climate, 18,
Liu, P., B. Wang, K.R. Sperber, T. Li, and G.A. Meehl, 2005:
MJO in the NCAR CAM2 with the Tiedtke Convective Scheme. J. Climate,
18 (15), 3007 – 3020.
Li, T., P. Liu, X. Fu, B. Wang, and G.A. Meehl, 2004:
Tempo-spatial structures and mechanisms of the tropospheric biennial
oscillation in the Indo-Pacific warm ocean regions. J. Climate,
19, (13), 3070 – 3087 DOI: 10.1175/JCLI3736.1.
Wu, T., P. Liu, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, R. Yu, and G. Wu, 2003: The
Performance of Atmospheric Component Model R42L9 of GOALS/LASG.Adv.
Atmos. Sci., 20, 726 – 742.
Wang, B., S. C. Clemons, and P. Liu, 2003: Contrasting the
Indian and East Asian monsoons: implications on geologic timescales. Marine
Geology, 201, 5 – 21.
Annamalai, H., R. Murtugudde, J. Potemra, S.-P. Xie, P. Liu,
and B. Wang, 2003: Coupled dynamics over the Indian Ocean: Spring
initiation of the zonal mode. Deep Sea Research II, 50,
2305 – 2330.
Wang, B., S.C. Clemons, and P. Liu, 2003: Contrasting the
Indian and East Asian monsoons: implications on geologic timescales. Marine
Geology,201 (1-3), 5 – 21.
Liu, P., G.A. Meehl, and G. Wu, 2002: Multi-model trends in
the Sahara induced by increasing CO2. Geophys. Res.
Lett., 29, 1881, doi: 10.1029/2002GL015923.
Liu, P., G. Wu, and F. Sun, 2001: Local meridional
circulation and deserts, Adv. Atmos. Sci., accepted.
Liu, P., W. Washington, G. Meehl, G. Wu,
and G. Potter, 2001: Historical and future trends of the Sahara Desert,
Geophys. Res. Lett.,28, 2683 – 2686.
Liu, Y.M., G.X. Wu, H. Liu, and P. Liu, 2001: Condensation
heating of the Asian summer monsoon and the subtropical anticyclone in
the Eastern Hemisphere, Climate Dynamics, 17, 327 – 338.
Contributor to "IAP Climate System Model", edited by X.H.
Zhang et al., Chinese Academic Press, 2000, Beijing.
Liu, P., and G.X. Wu, 2000: On the three
dimensional features of subtropical high belt. Chinese Journal of
Atmospheric Sciences, 24, 577 – 584.
Wu, G., P. Liu, and Y.M. Liu, 2000, Effect of SSTA over
Indian ocean to the Subtropical Anticyclone over Western Pacific:
Two-stage thermal adaptation in the atmosphere. Act. Meteorol. Sin.,
58, 513 – 522 (in Chinese).
Liu, Y., H. Liu, P. Liu, and G.X. Wu, 1999: The effect of
spatially nonuniform heating on the formation and variation of
subtropical high. Part II: Land-surface sensible heating and eastern
Pacific subtropical high. Act. Meteorol. Sin., 57,
385 – 396 (in Chinese).
Liu Y., H. Liu, G.X. Wu, and P. Liu, 1999: The effect of
spatially nonuniform heating on the formation and variation of
subtropical high. Part III: The latent heating and subtropical
anticyclone over the western Pacific. Act. Meteorol. Sin.,
57, 525 – 538 (in Chinese).
Wu, G., Y.M. Liu, and P. Liu,1999: The effect of spatially
nonuniform heating on the formation and variation of subtropical high.
Part I: Scale analysis. Act. Meteorol. Sin., 57, 257 – 263.
Zheng, Z.G., P. Liu, and L.H. Liu, 1997: Nonlinear
properties of a simplified climate system. Act. Meteorol. Sin.,
55, 521 – 531 (in Chinese).