Istanbul Teknik Universitesi
Avrasya Yer Bilimleri Enstitusu
34469 Maslak Istanbul, Turkey
2000 - Ph.D., Hydrology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Thesis: Improving the parameterization of land-surface interactions
in GCMs using field data
1996 - M.S., Hydrology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Thesis: Atmospheric exchanges of riparian vegetation in a
semi-arid environment
1990 - B.S., Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul Technical
University, Istanbul, Turkey
1993 (3 months): Training in Weather Analysis and Forecasting,
Ankara, Turkey
Research Interests
Land-surface atmosphere interactions
Hydrometeorological modeling
Model performance evaluation using multi-criteria optimization
Surface flux observation
Remote sensing in hydrometeorology
Postdoctoral Fellow, IPRC, University of Hawaii, 2000 - present
Research Assistant, Dept. of Hydrology & Water Resources,
University of Arizona,
Tucscon, Arizona, 1997-2000
Meteorological Engineer, State Meteorological Service, Ankara,
Turkey, 1993-1994
Bastidas, L.A., H.V. Gupta, O.L. Sen, Y.Q. Liu, W.J. Shuttleworth,
and S. Sorooshian, Comparative evaluation of the performance of Land
Surface Schemes using Multi-Criteria Methods. In preparation.
Sen, O.L., L.A. Bastidas, W.J. Shuttleworth, Z.-L. Yang, and S.
Sorooshian: Impact of field calibrated vegetation parameters on GCM
climate simulation. Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological
Society, in press.
Wang, Y., O.L. Sen, and B. Wang, 2003: A highly resolved regional
climate model (IPRC-RegCM) and its simulation of the 1998 severe
precipitation event over China. Part I: Model description and
verification of simulation. J. Climate, 16 (11),
Arain, M.A., W.J. Shuttleworth, B. Farnsworth, J. Adams, and O.L.
Sen, 2000: Comparing micrometeorology of rain forests in Biosphere-2
and Amazon basin. Agricul. Forest. Meteorol., 100,
Sen, O.L., W.J. Shuttleworth, and Z.-L. Yang, 2000: Comparative
evaluation of BATS2, BATS and SiB2 with Amazon data. J. Hydromet.,
1 (2), 135-153.
Unland, H.E., A.M. Arain, C. Harlow, P.H. Houser, J.G. Payan, P.
Scott, O.L. Sen, and W.J. Shuttleworth, 1998: Evaporation from a
riparian system in a semi-arid environment. Hydrol. Process,
12, 527-542.
Shuttleworth, W. J., Z.-L. Yang, A.M. Arain, E. Burke, and O.L.
Sen, 1999: Aggregate Representation of Terrestrial Land Covers
Within Global Climate Models. Final Report to the NASA-Goddard
Contract No. NAG5-3854.
Sen, O.L., and W.J. Shuttleworth: Evidence of a feedforward
stomatal response operating at the whole-canopy level in conditions of
high vapor pressure deficit? AGU, San Francisco, 1997.
Sen, O.L., W.J. Shuttleworth, and Z.-L. Yang: Comparative
evaluation of BATS2, BATS and SiB2 with Amazon data. IUGG,
Birmingham, UK, 1999.
Bastidas, L.A., H.V. Gupta, K. Blasch, O.L. Sen, S. Sorooshian,
W.J. Shuttleworth: Constraining LSS by Using Observational Data
and Multi-Criteria Techniques. NASA Land Surface Hydrology
Program Investigators Meeting, Columbia, MD, November 1-2, 1999.
Bastidas, L.A., O.L. Sen, H.V. Gupta, S. Sorooshian, and W.J.
Shuttleworth: Overview of the use of Multi-Criteria Methods for
parameter estimation of land surface schemes. GCIP Principal
Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, March 6-8, 2000.
Sen, O.L., L.A. Bastidas, W.J. Shuttleworth, Z.-L. Yang, and S.
Sorooshian: Impact of field calibrate vegetation parameters on GCM
climate simulation, Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., in press.