2000 - Ph.D. (Oceanography), University of Southampton
Dissertation: Predicting internal wave refraction and shoaling at
shelf edges
1990 - M.S. (Meteorology), University of Reading
Thesis: Review of the theory "Mid-Latitude Storm Tracks in the
Northern Hemisphere"
1988 - B.Sc. (Honors Mathematics), University of Nottingham
Research Interests
Air-sea interaction
Regional climate modeling
Simulation of nonlinear internal waves in the ocean
Scientific Work Experience
International Pacific Research Center.
(Ocean atmosphere interactions
in the tropical Pacific from satellite data), August 2001 – present
Defence Evaluation Research Agency, UK. (Worked on
ocean acoustics,
three-dimensional ocean modeling, feature modeling, internal wave
measurement and simulation,
radar backscatter modeling, satellite oceanography), 1991 – 2001
Selected Publications
de Szoeke, S.P., S.-P. Xie, T. Miyama, K.J. Richards, and R.J.
Small: What maintains the SST front north of the eastern Pacific
equatorial cold tongue? J. Climate, in press.
Minobe, S., A. Kuwano-Yoshida, N. Komori, S.-P. Xie, and R.J.
Small: Influence of the Gulf Stream on the troposphere. Nature, in press.
Small, R. J., S. P. deSzoeke, and S.-P. Xie: The Central
American Mid-summer Drought: regional aspects and large scale
forcing. J. Climate, in press.
Small, R. J., S.P. de Szoeke, S.-P. Xie, L. O'Neill, H. Seo, Q.
Song, P. Cornillon, M. Spall, and S. Minobe: Air-sea interaction over
ocean fronts and eddies. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans,
in press.
Xie, S.-P., T. Miyama, Y. Wang, H. Xu, S.P. de Szoeke, R.J. Small,
K.J. Richards, T. Mochizuki, and T. Awaji: A regional ocean-atmosphere
model for eastern Pacific climate: Towards reducing tropical biases.
J. Climate, in press.
Small, R.J., and R.P. Hornby, 2005: A comparison of weakly and
fully non-linear models of the shoaling of a solitary internal wave.
Ocean Modelling, 8, 395 – 416.
Small, R.J., S.-P. Xie, and J. Hafner, 2005: Satellite observations of
mesoscale ocean features and co-propagating atmospheric surface fields
in the tropical belt. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 110,
Small, R.J., S.-P. Xie, Y. Wang, S.K. Esbensen, and D. Vickers,
2005: Numerical simulation of boundary layer structure and
cross-equatorial flow in the Eastern Pacific. J. Atmos. Sci.,62 (6), 1812 – 1830.
Xu, H., S.-P. Xie, Y. Wang, and J. Small, 2005: Effects of
Central American mountains on the eastern Pacific winter ITCZ and
moisture transport. J. Climate,18 (18), 3856 – 3873.
Small, J., 2003: The refraction and shoaling of non-linear
internal waves at the Malin shelf break. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33 (12), 2657 – 2674.
Small, J., S.-P. Xie, and Y. Wang, 2003: Numerical Simulation of
Atmospheric Response to Pacific Tropical Instability Waves. J.
Climate, 16 (22), 3722 – 3740.
Hornby, R.P., and J. Small, 2002: PHOENICS predictions of the
shoaling of a large amplitude internal wave. PHOENICS Journal,
14, 126 – 137.
Small, J., 2002: Internal tide transformation across a continental slope
off Cape Sines, Portugal. J. Mar. Sys., 32, 43 – 69.
Small, J., and J. Martin, 2002: The generation of non-linear
internal waves in the Gulf off Oman. Continental Shelf Research,22 (8), 1153 – 1182.
Small, J., 2001: A Nonlinear Model of the Shoaling and Refraction
of Interfacial Solitary Waves in the Ocean. Part 1: Development of the
Model and Investigation of the Shoaling Effect. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
31, 3163 – 3183.
Small, J., 2001: A Nonlinear Model of the Shoaling and Refraction
of Interfacial Solitary Waves in the Ocean. Part 2: Development of the
Model and Investigation of the Shoaling Effect. J. Phys. Oceanogr.,
31, 3184 – 3199.
Hallock, Z., J. Small, J. George, R.L. Field, and J.C. Scott,
2000: Shoreward propagation of internal waves at the Malin shelf edge,
Cont. Shelf Res., 20, 2045 – 2057.
Small, J., G. Pavey, Z. Hallock, and J. Scott, 1999: Observation
of large amplitude internal waves at the Malin Shelf edge during
SESAME 1995,
Cont. Shelf Res., 19,
1389 – 1436.
Small, J., T. Sawyer, and J. Scott, 1999: The evolution of an
internal bore at the Malin shelf break. Annales Geophysicae,
17, 547 – 565.
Small, J., L. Shackleford, and G. Pavey, 1997: Ocean feature
models - their use and effectiveness in ocean-acoustic forecasting.
Annales Geophysicae, 15, 101 – 112.
Heathershaw, A.D., J. Small, and C.E. Stretch, 1994: Frictional
formulations in Numerical Ocean Models and their effect on simulated
acoustic fields. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 24,