Tropical-extratopical interactions in the Pacific basin
The sensitivity of the free troposphere's climate to changes in
sea surface temperature
Climate variability due to coupled ocean-atmosphere feedbacks
The role of baroclinic turbulence in determining the observed
Professional Experience
International Pacific Research
Center, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Assistant Research Scientist, February 1998 - Present
Program in Atmospheres, Oceans, and
Climate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research Assistant, September 1991 - October 1997
Climate Analysis Section,Climate and
Global Dynamics Division,
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Visiting Scientist, July 1992 - September 1992
Visiting Scientist, July 1994 - September 1994
Visiting Scientist, August 1995 - October 1995
Scientific Applications Programmer, September 1989 - August 1991
Solomon, A., J.P. McCreary, R. Kleeman, and B.A. Klinger, 2001:
Interactions between
interannual tropical oscillations and decadal extratropical
oscillations in an intermediate
coupled model of the Pacific basin. Submitted to Journal of Climate
Solomon, A., and S.-P. Xie, 2001: A numerical investigation of the
atmospheric response to
extratropical sea surface temperature anomalies. Work in progress.
Solomon, A., and F.-F. Jin, 2001: Interannual
tropical-extratropical interaction in the Pacific
basin due to wind-evaporation-SST feedbacks. Geophysical Research
Letters. In revision.
Solomon, A., and P.H. Stone, 2001: On the sensitivity of an
intermediate model's mid-latitude
troposphere to changes in radiative forcing. J. Atmos. Sci.,
58, 2395-2410.
Solomon, A., and P.H. Stone, 2001: Equilibration in an eddy
resolving model with
simplified physics. J Atmos. Sci., 58,
Solomon, A., and R.S. Lindzen, 2000: The impact of resolution on a
numerical simulation
of the barotropic point jet. J. Atmos. Sci. , 57,
Solomon, A. B., 1996: An observational study of the spatial and
temporal scales of
transient eddy sensible heat fluxes. J. Clim., 10,
No. 3, 508-520.
K.E. and A. Solomon, 1994: The global heat balance: Heat
in the atmosphere and ocean. Climate Dynamics , 10,
Trenberth, K. E., and A. Solomon, 1993: Implications of global
atmospheric spatial
spectra for processing and displaying data. J. Clim., 6,
Solomon, A., and J.P. McCreary, 2001: Feedbacks between
interannual tropical oscillations
and decadal extratropical oscillations in an intermediate coupled
model of the Pacific basin.
Proceedings of the AMS 13th Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic
Fluid Dynamics,
Breckenridge, Colorado.
Solomon, A., and J.P. McCreary, 2001: Tropical-extratropical
interactions in an intermediate
coupled model of the Pacific basin. Proceedings of the EGS Annual
Meeting, Nice, France.
Solomon, A., and R.S. Lindzen, 1999: The impact of resolution on a
numerical simulation
of the barotropic point jet. Proceedings of the AMS 12th Conference on
Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Columbia University, New York,
New York.
Solomon, A., and P.H. Stone, 1997: Equilibration in an eddy
resolving model with
simplified physics . Proceedings of the AMS 11th Conference on
Atmospheric and
Oceanic Fluid Dynamics, Tacoma, Washington.
Solomon, A., and P.H. Stone, 1996: A study of the dynamics which
maintain the
equilibrated state of an intermediate model of the mid-latitude
Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Solomon, A. B., 1995: An observational study of the spatial and
temporal scales of
transient eddy sensible heat fluxes. Proceedings of the AMS Waves and
Conference, Big Sky, Montana.