1994, Ph.D. (Geoscience), University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
1991, M.S. (Geoscience), University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
1989, B.S. (Geoscience), University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
Research Interests
ENSO/monsoon system
Global climate change
Intraseasonal to interdecadal climate variability
Fellowships and Research Experiences
Research Scientist, Frontier Research Program for Global
Change, Institute for Global Change Research, International Pacific
Research Center, School of Ocean & Earth & Technology, University of
Hawaii at Manoa. (1997-present)
Research Scientist, NOAA Climate and Global Change Program
(NA56GP0203), Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of
California, Los Angeles. (1995-1997)
Post-doctoral Fellowship of the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science for Japanese Junior Scientists, Institute of
Geoscience, University of Tsukuba. (1994-1996)
Doctoral Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science for Japanese Junior Scientists, Institute of Geoscience,
University of Tsukuba. (1991-1994)
The American Meteorogical Society
The Meteorological Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Hydrology & Water Resources
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Refereed Publications
Tomita, T., 2000: The longitudinal structure of interannual
variability observed in sea surface temperature of the equatorial
oceans. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan., 78, 499-507.
Tomita, T., B. Wang, and T. Yasunari, 1998. Interdecadal
variability of global monsoons. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan (Work in
Tomita, T. and M. Yanai, 1998. Interannual variability of sea
surface temperature of the equatorial Pacific. J. Climate
(Under 2nd review).
Yanai, M. and T. Tomita, 1998. Seasonal and interannual
variability of atmospheric heat sources and moisture sinks as
determined from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. J. Climate, 11,
Tomita, T. and T. Yasunari, 1996. Role of the northeast winter
monsoon on the biennial oscillation of the ENSO/monsoon system. J.
Meteor. Soc. Japan., 74, 1-14.
Hiroshi Uyeda, Yoshio Asuma, Nobuhiro Takahashi, Shuji Shimizu,
Osamu Kikuchi, Atsushi Kinoshita, Seiki Matsuoka, Masaki Katsumata,
Kensuke Takeuchi, Tatsuo Endoh, Masayuki Ohi, Shinsuke Satoh,
Yoshihiro Tachibana, Tomoki Ushiyama, Yasushi Fujiyoshi, Ryuichi
Shirooka, Noriyuki Nishi, Tomohiko Tomita, Hiroaki Ueda, Tatsuo Sueda,
and Akimasa Sumi, 1995. Doppler Radar Observations on the Structure
and Characteristics of Tropical Clouds during the TOGA-COARE IOP in
Manus, Papua New Guinea - Outline of the Observation -. J. Meteor.
Soc. Japan, 73, 415-426.
Tomita, T., 1994: Modulation of the biennial oscillation in the
ENSO/monsoon system. Ph.D thesis, Institute of Geoscience, Univ. of
Tsukuba, 123p.
Tomita, T. and T. Yasunari, 1993: On the two types of ENSO. J.
Meteor. Soc. Japan, 71, 273-284.
Tomita, T., 1991: On the two types of El Nino - with a single year
or two-successive years -. M.S. thesis, Institute of Geoscience,
Univ. of Tsukuba, 45p.
Other Publications, Abstracts and
Seasonal and interannual variability of atmospheric heat sources
and moisture sinks as determined from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis: Part II.
Variability associated with ENSO. Eighth Symposium on Global Changes
Studies. February 2 - February 7, 1997, Long Beach, California,
Role of the northeast winter monsoon on the biennial oscillation
of the ENSO/monsoon system. Conference on the Global
Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System (GOALS). January 28 - February 2,
1996, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
The modulation of biennial oscillation in the ENSO/monsoon system.
IAMAP.IAHS '93. July 11-23, 1993, Yokohama, Japan.
Is the fundamental oscillation of ENSO/monsoon system biennial?
International WCRP Symposium. September 28 - October 2, 1992,
Nagoya, Japan.
Other Research Activities
Observation of TOGA-COARE in the Manus Island, Papua New Guinea.
(December 1992)