2010 - Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, Yonsei University, Korea
2005 - M.S., Atmospheric Science, Yonsei University, Korea
2002 - B.S., Atmospheric Science, Pusan National University, Korea
Research Interests
Interdecadal variability and climate changes of the Asian climate
Numerical modeling
Variability and predictability of Asian climate
Scientific Work Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow, International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii, 2010 – September 2012
Refereed Publications
Hong, S.-Y., and Y.-B. Yhang, 2010: Implications of a decadal climate shift over East Asia in winter: A modeling study. J. Climate, 23, 4989-5001 doi:10.1175/2010JCLI3637.1.
Kanamitsu, M., K. Yoshimura, Y.-B. Yhang, and S.-Y. Hong, 2010: Errors of interannual variability and multi-decadal trend in dynamical regional climate downscaling and its corrections. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D17115, doi:10.1029/2009JD013511.
Yhang, Y.-B., and S.-Y. Hong, 2008: A simulated climatology of the East Asian summer monsoon using a regional spectral model. Asia-Pacific J. of Atmos. Sci., 44, 325-339.
Yhang, Y.-B., and S.-Y. Hong, 2008: Improved physical processes in a regional climate model and their impact on the simulated summer monsoon circulation over East Asia. J. Climate, 21, 936-979.