1995 - Ph.D. (Climatic Dynamics and Prediction Theory), Institute
of Atmospheric Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D. Dissertation: Study on the mechanism of onset of Asian summer
monsoon and abrupt seasonal transitions over Northern Hemisphere.
Supervisors: Dr. Duzheng Ye and Dr. Guoxiong Wu
1991 - M.S. (Satellite Meteorology), Department of Geophysics,
Peking University
1988 - B.S. (Meteorology), Department of Geophysics, Peking
Research Interests
Variability of the Asian-Australian Monsoon system
Atmosphere-land-Ocean interactions in the climate change
Application of the satellite data in climate study
Atmospheric and oceanographic data management
Scientific Work Experience
Atmospheric Data Specialist, International
Pacific Research Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii, Honolulu (3/2001 – present)
Visiting Assistant Researcher, International
Pacific Research Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii, Honolulu (1/2001 – 2/2001)
Post Doctoral Fellow, International Pacific
Research Center, SOEST, University of Hawaii, Honolulu (6/1999 – 12/2000)
Post Doctoral Research Associate, Meteorology
Department, Naval Postgraduate School (7/1997 – 5/1999)
Assistant Researcher, LASG, Institute of
Atmospheric Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences (12/1995 – 7/1997)
American Meteorological Society
American Geophysical Union
Zhang, Y., and T. Li, 2007: Influence of the tropical sea surface
temperature in the Indian-Pacific Ocean on the relationship between
the South Asian and North Australian summer monsoons. Terrestrial.
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, in press.
Jiang, J. H., S. D. Eckermann, D. L. Wu, K. Hocke, B. Wang, J.
Ma, and Y. Zhang, 2005: Seasonal variation of Gravity wave sources
from satellite observations. Advance in Space Research, 35,
1925 – 1932.
Li, Q.B., J.H. Jiang, D.L. Wu, W.G. Read, N.J. Livesey, J.W.
Waters,Y.S. Zhang, B. Wang, M.J. Filipiak, C.P. Davis, S. Turquety,
S.L. Wu, R.J. Park, R.M. Yantosca, and D.J. Jacob, 2005: Convective
outflow of South Asian pollution: A global CTM simulation compared
with Aura MLS observations. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32,
L14826, doi:10.1029/2005GL022762.
Wang, B., LinHo, Y. Zhang, and M.-M. Lu, 2004: Definition of South
China Sea monsoon onset and commencement of East Asia summer monsoon.
J. Climate, 17, 699 – 710.
Zhang, Y., T. Li, and B. Wang, 2004: Decadal change of the spring
snow depth over the Tibetan Plateau: The Associated circulation and
influence on the East Asian summer monsoon. Journal of Climate,
2780 – 2793.
Li, T., B. Wang, C.-P. Chang, and Y. Zhang, 2003: A theory for the
Indian Ocean dipole-zonal mode. J. Atmos. Sci., 60,
2119 – 2135.
Li, T., and Y. Zhang, 2002: Processes that determine the
quasi-biennial and lower-frequency variability of the South Asian
monsoon. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 80, 1449 – 1163.
Li, T., Y. Zhang, E. Lu, and D. Wang, 2002: Relative role of
dynamic and thermodynamic processes in the development of the Indian
Ocean dipole: An OGCM diagnosis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29
(23), 2110, doi:10.1029/2002GL05789.
Zhang, Y., T. Li, B. Wang, and G. Wu, 2002: Onset of the Summer
Monsoon over the Indochina Peninsula: Climatology and Interannual
Variations. J. Climate, 15, 3206 – 3221.
Li, T., Y. Zhang, C.-P. Chang, and B. Wang, 2001: On the
relationship between Indian Ocean sea surface temperature and Asian
summer monsoon. Geophys. Res. Lett., 28,
2843 – 2846.
Zhang, Y., and S. Jiang, 2000: Retrieval of the tropical divergent
wind from OLR and its application in ENSO diagnosis. Act. Meteor.
Sin., 14, 61 – 81.
Chang, C.-P., Y. Zhang, and T. Li, 2000: Interannual and
interdecadal variations of the East Asian Summer Monsoon and Tropical
Pacific SSTs. Part 1: Role of the subtropical ridge. J. Climate,
13, 4310 – 4325.
Chang, C.-P., Y. Zhang, and T. Li, 2000: Interannual and
interdecadal variations of the East Asian Summer Monsoon and Tropical
Pacific SSTs. Part 2: Southeast China rainfall and meridional
structure. J. Climate, 13, 4326 – 4340.
Zhang, Y., and G. Wu, 1999: Diagnostic investigation of the
mechanism of the onset of Asian summer monsoon and the abrupt seasonal
transitions over Northern Hemisphere. Part I. Act. Meteor.
Sin., 56, 513 – 528 (in Chinese).
Zhang, Y., and R. Wu, 1999: Diagnostic investigation of the
mechanism of the onset of Asian summer monsoon and the abrupt seasonal
transitions over Northern Hemisphere. Part II. Act. Meteor.
Sin., 57, 56 – 73 (in Chinese with English abstract).
Wu G. and Y. Zhang, 1998: Thermal and Mechanical Forcing of the
Tibetan Plateau and the Asian Monsoon Onset, Part I: Situating of the
onset. Sciential Atmospherica Sinca, 22, 825 – 838 (in
Chinese with English abstract).
Wu, G., and Y. Zhang, 1998: Tibetan Plateau forcing and the
situating and timing of the Asian monsoon onset. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
126, 913 – 927.