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1 | Analysis of Climate Variability | H. von Storch et al. |
2 | The Annual Cycle of Precipitation over the Indian Subcontinent | Dennis J. Shea, N.A. Sontakke |
3 | Applications of Statistics to Modeling the Earth's Climate System | R.A. Madden, R.W. Katz |
4 | An Altlas of Functions | Jerome Spanier, Keith B. Oldham |
5.1 | Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics | A.E. Gill |
5.2 | Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics | A.E. Gill |
6 | Atmospheric convection | K.A. Emanuel |
7 | Atmospheric Data Analysis | R. Daley |
8 | Atmospheric Radiation | R.M. Goody, Y.L. Yung |
9 | Boundry-layer Theory | H. Schlichting |
10 | Buoyancy effects in Fluids | J.S. Turner |
11 | The C Programming Language | B.W. Kernighan et al. |
12 | UNIX in a nutshell | D. Gilly |
13 | Climate dynamics of the Tropics | S. Hastenrath |
14 | Climate sensitivity to radiative perturbations: physical mechanisms and their validation | H. Le Treut |
15 | Climate System modeling | K.E. Trenberth |
16 | Climate Variations and Forcing Mechanisms of the Last 2000 Years | P.D. Jones, Raymond S. Bradley, Jean Jonzel |
17 | Currents of change: El Nino's impact on climate and society | Michael H. Glantz |
18 | Data analysis methods in physcial oceanography | W.J. Emery et al. |
19 | Data assimilation: Tools for Modelling the ocean in a Global Change Perspective | Pierre P. Brassenr, Jacques C.J. Nihoul |
20 | Decadal climate variability: dynamics and perditability | D.L.T. Anderson et al. |
21 | Dynamics and modelling of ocean waves | Komen et al. |
22 | Windows NT in a nutshell | E. Pearce |
23 | El Nino, La Nina and the Southern Oscillation | Rob Allen, Janette Lindesay, David Parker |
24 | A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical systems: theory and experiment | R.L. Devaney |
25 | A First course in Turbulence | H. Tennekes et al. |
26 | Fortran 90/95 for scientists and engineers | - |
27 | From Turbulence to Climate | Martin Beniston |
28 | LINUX in a nutshell | E. Siever |
29 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | J. Pedlosky |
30 | An Introduction to atmospheric and oceanographic data | Dennis J. Shea, Steven J. Worley, Ilana R. Stern, Timothy J. Hoar |
31 | An Introduction to dynamic Meteorology | J.R. Holton |
32 | Introduction to parallel computing: design and analysis of alogarithms | Vipin Kumar, Anarith Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis |
34 | IPCC Scientific Assessment (1990): Climate Change | J.T. Houghton, G.J. Jenkins, J.J. Ephraums |
35 | IPCC Scientific Assessment (1992): Climate change 1992( supplement) | J.T. Houghton, B.A. Callander, S.K. Varney |
36 | LATEX: a document preparation system: user's guide and reference manual | |
37 | Lectures on geophyscial fluid dynamics | Rick Salmon |
38 | Modeling Oceanic Climates and Interactions | R.A. Madden et al. |
39 | Modern approaches to data assimilation in ocean modeling | P.Malanotte-Rizzoli |
40 | Multivariate statistical methods | Morrison |
41 | Nonlinear dynamics and preditability of geophysical phenomena | William I. Newman, Andrei Gabrielov, Donald L. Turcotte |
42 | Nonlinear ocean waves | W. Perrie |
43 | Nonlinear Time series analysis | Holger Kantz, Thomas Schreiber |
44 | Numerical methods with MATLAB: a resource for scientists and engineers | |
45 | Numerical Prediction in Dynamic Meteorology | G.J. Haltiner |
46 | Numerical recipes in C | W.H. Press |
47 | Numerical recipes in Fortran 77 | W.H. Press |
48 | Numerical recipes in Fortran 90: the art of paralled scienctific computing | C. Wunsch |
49 | Ocean circulation Inverse Problem | W.H. Press |
50 | Ocean Circulation Theory | J. Pedlosky |
51 | Oceanopgraphic Application of Remote Sensing | Ikeda, Dobson |
52 | Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics | E. Zauderer |
53 | Perl Resource Kit - UNIX edition | L. Wall et al. |
54 | Photoshop for the Web | Mikkel Aaland |
55 | Physics of Climate | Peixoto, Oort |
56 | Principles of Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry | Richard Goody |
57 | Proceeding of the Hawaiian Winter Workshops | Peter Muller, Rita Pujalet |
58 | Programming Perl, 2nd edition | L. Wall et al. |
59 | Programming Python object-oriented scripting | Mark Lutz |
60 | Radiation and Water in the Climate System Remote Measurements | Ehrhard Raschke |
61 | Regional Oceanography | M. Tomczak et al. |
62 | ||
63 | ||
64 | Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences: An Introduction | D.S. Wilks |
65 | Stratosphere and its role in the Climate System, The | G.P. Brasseur |
66 | Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods | B. Gustafsson et al. |
67 | Turbulence and Random Processes in Fluid Mechanics | M.T. Landahl |
68 | ||
69 | Vorticity and Turbulence | A.J. Chorin |
70 | Wavelets, Multilevel Methods, and Elliptic PDEs | M. Ainsworth et al. |
71 | Webmaster in a nutshell, deluxe edition | O'Reilly & Assoc. |
72 | Climate Change: Developing Southern Hemisphere Perspectives | Giambelluca et al. |
73 | Stochastic Modelling in Physical Oceanography | R.J. Adler et al. |
74 | Wavelets: Theory and Applications | G. Erlebacher et al |
75 | Statistical Analysis in Climate Research | H. von Storch et al. |
76 | Practical UNIX & Internet Security | S. Garfinkel et al. |
77 | Office 97 Annoyances | W. Leonhard et al. |
78 | Windows 98 Annoyances | D.A. Karp |
79 | Hydrodynamics | Sir H. Lamb |
80 | MS Windows 98 Resource Kit | Microsoft Corp. |
81 | The MATLAB handbook | B. Melin et al. |
82 | Managing Projects with Make | A. Oram et al. |
83 | Roget A to Z thesaurus | R.L. Chapman |
84 | Webster's new world college Dictionary | Macmillan |
85 | Exploring Frontiers in Clobal Change Research(video) | FRSGC |
86 | Using MPI : Portable Parallel Programming with the message-passing interface | W. Gropp et al. |
87 | Math h++ user's guide and reference manual | Rogue Wave Software |
88 | LAPACK h++ Introduction and reference Manual | Rogue Wave Software |
89 | Fortran Language Reference Manual, Vol 2 | Silicon Graphics |
90 | Tools h++ user's guide | Rogue Wave Software |
91 | Tools h++ class reference | Rogue Wave Software |
92 | IMSL Stat/Library, vol 1 | Visual Numerics |
93 | IMSL Stat/Library, vol 2 | Visual Numerics |
94 | IMSL Math/Library, vol 1 | Visual Numerics |
95 | IMSL Math/Library, vol 2 | Visual Numerics |
96 | IMSL Math/Library, Special Functions | Visual Numerics |
97 | IMSL Fortran 90 MP Library user's guide | Visual Numerics |
98 | IDL reference guide, vol 1 (a-l) | Research Systems |
99 | IDL reference guide, vol 2 (m-z) | Research Systems |
100 | What's new in IDL 5.2 | Research Systems |
101 | Using IDL | Research Systems |
102 | IDL basics | Research Systems |
103 | Using IDL insights | Research Systems |
104 | IDL external development guide | Research Systems |
105 | IDL objects and objects graphics | Research Systems |
106 | Buildign IDL applications | Research Systems |
107 | Java 1.2 | S. Holzner |
108 | Using Microsoft Office 97, Platinum Ed. | K. Evans et al |
109 | Mastering Windows 98 | R. Cowart |
110 | IGCR Seminar: Abrupt Climate Change(VT1,2 and supp.) | T. Stocker |
111 | Earth Sicence Technology Handbook 1999 | - |
112 | Earth Simulator Parallel Software Development | - |
113 | Satellite Monitoring of the Earth | K.-H. Szekielda |
114 | IGCR Seminar: Real-Time now cast/forcast in marginal and coastal seas (videotape 1,2, and hardcopy supplement) | L. Kantha |
115 | Dynamics of Oceanic Internal Gravity waves, II (2 copies) | Peter Muller, Diane Henderson |
116 | World According to Wavelets, The | B.B. Hubbard |
117 | The Dynamics of the upper ocean | O.M. Phillips |
118 | Meteorology over the Tropical Oceans | D.B. Shaw (ed) |
119 | P2 Parallel Processing Workshop | Maui High Performance Computer Ctr. |
120 | Satellite Remote Sensing of the oceanic environment | I.S.F. Jones et al. |
121 | Atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, ARGOS buoy drift, AVHRR/2 SST, and ECMMF surface wind components during 1992 | NASA |
122 | Atlas of monthly mean distributions of SSMI surface wind speed, ARGOS buoy drift, AVHRR/2 SST, and ECMMF surface wind components during 1992 | NASA |
123 | Macsyma and PDEase scientific notebook interface ref. Manual | Macsyma Inc. |
124 | Macsyma scientific graphics reference manual | Macsyma Inc. |
125 | Atlas of the South Pacific | - |
126.1 | Triangle '98 Proceedings(3 copies) | JAMSTEC et al. |
126.2 | Triangle '98 Proceedings(3 copies) | JAMSTEC et al. |
126.3 | Triangle '98 Proceedings(3 copies) | JAMSTEC et al. |
127.1 | Application programmer's I/O guide | Silicon Graphics |
127.2 | Scientific libraries user's guide | Silicon Graphics |
127.3 | Cray C/C++ reference manual | Silicon Graphics |
127.4 | Optimizing application code on UNICOS systems | Silicon Graphics |
127.5 | Programming environment releases overview | Silicon Graphics |
127.6 | Scientific libraries ready reference | Silicon Graphics |
127.7 | Application programmer's library ready reference | Silicon Graphics |
128 | Advanced CORBA programming with C++ | M. Henning et al. |
129 | CRC concise encyclopedia of mathematics | E.W. Weisstein |
130 | Numerical ocean circulation modeling | D.B. Haidvogel et al |
131 | El Nino southern oscillation & climatic variability | R. Allan et al. |
132 | FORTRAN 90/95 explained, 2nd ed. | M. Metcalf |
133 | Using PowerPoint97, 3rd ed. | L.A. Ulrich |
134 | LAPACK users' guide, 2nd ed. | E. Anderson et al. |
135 | Computational techniques for fluid dynamics, V1 | C.A.J. Fletcher |
136 | Computational techniques for fluid dynamics, V2 | C.A.J. Fletcher |
137 | The role of eddies in the general ocean circulation | Hawaii Inst. of Geophysics |
138 | Dynamics of the oceanic surface mixed layer | Hawaii Inst. of Geophysics |
139 | Parameterization of small-scale processes | Hawaii Inst. of Geophysics |
140 | Using Samba | NASDA |
141 | The no B.S. guide to Red Hat Linux 6 | |
142 | Red Hat Linux administration tools | |
143 | Managing Windows NT logons | |
144 | Illustrated TCP/IP | |
145 | Essential Windows NT system administration | |
146 | Programming internet email | |
147 | The UNIX CD bookshelf | |
148 | UNIX secure shell | |
149 | UNIX shell programming tools | |
150 | UNIX system security tools | |
151 | UNIX network management tools | |
152 | Managing the Windows NT registry | |
153 | Windows NT workstation configuration & maintenance | |
154 | Zero administration for Windows | |
155 | Bulletproofing Windows 98 | |
156 | Perl cookbook | |
157 | Embracing Earth | |
158 | C: The complete reference | |
159 | Java Enterprise in a nutshell | D. Flanagan et al. |
160 | Core Java2 Vol 1 – Fundamentals | Sun Microsystems |
161 | Core Java2 Vol 2 – Advanced features | Sun Microsystems |
162 | Introduction to boundary layer meteorology, An | - |
163 | Singular Spectrum Analysis: A New Tool in Time Series Analysis, James B. Elsner | James B. Elsner |
164 | Topographical Effects in the Ocean | |
165 | Monte Carlo Simulation in Oceanography | |
166 | MySQL (other new riders) | - |
167 | Professional Linux Programming: Databases | - |
168 | Climates of South Asia | G.B. Pant & K. Rupa Kumar |
169 | Monsoons Over China, by Ding Yihui | Ding Yihui |
170 | El Nino North, Nino Effects in the Eastern Subarctic pacific Ocean | Warren S. Wooster and David L. Fluharty |
171 | The Atmosphere- A Challenge, The Science of Jule Gregory Channey | Richard S. Lindzen, Edward N. Lorenz, George W. Platzman |
172 | Solaris 8 System Administrator's Reference | Janice Winsor |
173 | Solaris System Administrator's Guide, 3rd Edition | Janice Winsor |
174 | Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary | - |
175 | Global Warming: The complete Briefing | John Houghton |
176 | Satellite Altimetry and Earth Sciences | Lee-Lueng Fu, Anny Cazenave |
177 | Atlas of satellite observations related to global change | Gurney, Foster, Parkinson |
178 | Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans | Judith Curry and Peter Webster |
179 | General Circulation Model Development: Past, Present, and Future | David Randall |
180 | Multigrid | Trottenberg, Oosterlee, Schuller |
181 | Earth System Science | Jacobson, Charlson, Rodhe, Orians |
182 | National Geographic Atlas of the World | National Geographic |
183 | Ocean Circulation & Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean | Gerold Siedler, John Church, John Gould |
184 | Numerical Models of Oceans and Oceanic Processes | Lakshmi H. Kantha, Carol Anne Clayson |
185 | Small Scale Processes in Geophysical Fluid Flows | Lakshmi H. Kantha, Carol Anne Clayson |
186 | Atmoshperic Chemistry and Global Change | Guy P. Brasseur, John J. Orlando, Geoffrey S. Tyndall |
187 | Biogeochemistry, An Analysis of Global Change | William H. Schlesinger |
188 | Climate Change 1995, The Science of Climate Change | J.A. Lakeman |
189 | Climate Change 1994, Radiative Forcing of Climate Change and An Evaluation of the IPCC IS92 Emission Scenarios | J.T. Houghton |
190 | Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction | Kraus-Businger |
191 | Decade-to-Century-Scale Climate Variability and Change: A Science Strategy | National Research Council |
192 | 50 Years of Ocean Discovery: National Science Foundation 1950-2000 | National Research Council |
193 | The Elements of Style | William Strunk |
194 | Nonlinear Physical Oceanography: Adynamic Approach to the Large Scale Ocean Circulation and El Nino | Henk A. Dijkstra |
195 | From Monsoons to Microbes: Unterstanding the Ocean's Role in Human Health | National Research Council |
196 | Numerical Modeling of the Global Atmosphere in the Climate System | NATO Science Series, Philip Mote, Alan O'Neill |
197 | Physics of Climate | Jose P. Peixoto, Abraham H. Oort |
198.1 | Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences vol. 1 | John Steele, Steve Thorpe, Karl Turenkian |
198.2 | Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences vol. 2 | John Steele, Steve Thorpe, Karl Turenkian |
198.3 | Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences vol. 3 | John Steele, Steve Thorpe, Karl Turenkian |
198.4 | Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences vol. 4 | John Steele, Steve Thorpe, Karl Turenkian |
198.5 | Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences vol. 5 | John Steele, Steve Thorpe, Karl Turenkian |
198.6 | Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences vol. 6 | John Steele, Steve Thorpe, Karl Turenkian |
199 | From Stirring to Mixing in a Stratified Ocean (6 copies) | Peter Muller, Diane Henderson |
200 | Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptations, and Vulnerability | IPCC |
201 | Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis | IPCC |
202 | Climate Change 2001: Mitigation | IPCC |
203 | Dynamic Paleoclimatology: Generalized Theory of Global Climate Change | Barry Saltzman |
204 | IGARSS '01 Vol. 1-7, IEE Int. Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium | IEEE |
205 | Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report | IPCC |
206 | Anthropogenic Climate Change | Hans Von Storch, Gotz Floser |
207 | Models in Environmental Research | Hans Von Storch, Gotz Floser |
208 | Dynamics of Large-Scale Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes | J. Shukla |
209 | Microsoft Windows 95 Resource Kit | |
210 | The Art of Scientific Writing | Hans F. Ebel, Claus Bliefert, William E. Russey |
211 | Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation | Floyd F. Sabins Jr. |
212 | Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology, 2000 | Narendra K. Saxena |
213 | Methods of Satellite Oceanography | Robert H. Stewart |
214 | Mathematica: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer | Stephen Wolfram |
215 | Oceanography: a view of the earth | M. Grant Gross |
216 | Satellites, Oceanography, and Society | David Halpern |
217 | Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (FORTRAN Version) | William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, Brian P. Plannery, William T. Vetterling |
218 | Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics | Adrian E. Gill |
219 | The Theory of Rotating Fluids | H.P. Greenspan |
220 | Dictionary of Data Processing | Jeff Maynard |
221 | Numerical Methods and Fortran Programming with Applications in Engineering and Science | Daniel D McCraken, Williams S. Dorn |
222 | MHD Instabilities | Glenn Bateman |
223 | Oceanography: readings from Scientific American | |
224 | Elements of Partial Differential Equations | Ian N. Sheddon |
225 | Complex Variables and Applications | Ruel V. Churchill |
226 | The Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent | Thomas Robert Kendall |
227 | Fluid Flow: A First Course in Fluid Mechanics | Rolf H. Sabersky, Allen J. Acosta |
228 | Results of the Royal Society Joint Air-Sea Interaction Project (JASIN) | |
229 | Spectral Analysis and its applications | Gwilym M. Jenkins, Donald G. Watts |
230 | The Earth and Its Gravity Field | W.A. Heiskanen, F.A. Vening Meinesz |
231 | Marine Forecasting Predictability and Modelling in Ocean Hydrodynamics | Jacques C.J. Nihoul |
232 | The Measurement of Power Spectra From the Point of View of Communications Engineering | R.B. Blackman, J.W. Tukey |
233 | Nonlinear Water Waves (IUTAM Symposium, Tokyo/Japan , August 25-28, 1987) | K. Horikawa, H. Maruo (Eds.) |
234 | Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics | O.G. Tietjens |
235 | General Oceanography | Gunter Dietrich |
236 | Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications | Robert L. Daugherty, Joseph B. Franzini |
237 | Mathematics of Statistics II | J.F. Kenney, E.S. Keeping |
238 | Scientific and Technical Writing | Peter M. Sandman, Carl S. Klompus, Betsy Greenleaf Yarrison |
239 | Dimensional Analysis | P.W. Bridgman |
240 | Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language | |
241 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Part II | |
242 | Seasat Views Oceans and Sea Ice With Synthetic-Aperture Radar | Lee-Lueng Fu, Benjamin Holt |
243 | Wind Waves their generation and propagation on the ocean surface | Blair Kinsman |
244 | The Voyage of the Challenger | Eric Linklater |
245 | Ocean Waves Spectra | |
246 | SEASAT Special Issue II Scientific Results | |
247 | National Ocean Conference Oceans of Commerce, Oceans of Life | |
248 | Photographs Underwater | Bob Kendall |
249 | Principles of Physical Oceanography | Gerhard Neumann, Willard J. Pierson, Jr. |
250 | 1992 ADEOS/NSCAT Science Team Meeting | Japan ADEOS/NSCAT Science Working Team |
251 | Fifth International Symposium on Stratified Flows Volume I | G.A. Lawrence, R. Pieters, N. Yonemitsu |
252 | Fifth International Symposium on Stratified Flows Volume II | G.A. Lawrence, R. Pieters, N. Yonemitsu |
253 | Seasat Special Issue I: Geophysical Evaluation | |
254 | NSCAT: Scientific Applications | |
255 | Fluid Mechanics | J. Williams |
256 | Phonetics of American English | Charles Kenneth Thomas |
257 | Vector and tensor Analysis | Harry Lass |
258 | Complex Analysis - an introduction to the theroy of analytic functions of one complex variable | Lars V. Ahlfors |
259 | Theoretical Hydrodynamics | L.M. Milne-Thomson, C.B.E. |
260 | Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part I | Philip M. Morse and Herman Feshbach |
261 | Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part II | Philip M. Morse and Herman Feshbach |
262 | Turbulence - An Introduction to Its Mechanism and Theory | J.O. Hinze |
263 | Symposium on the Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Dynamics in the Indian Ocean (2001 Abstracts) | |
264 | Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia (Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the Northeast Asia Economic Forum - June 2000) | |
265 | Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Aqua Bio-Mechanisms/ International Seminar on Aqua Bio-Mechanisms | |
266 | Fluid Mechanics (Volume 6 of Course of Theoretical Physics) | L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz |
267 | The Chilean Tsunami of May 24, 1960 | |
268.1 | Enclyclopedia of Atmospheric Science Vol. 1 | James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle |
268.2 | Enclyclopedia of Atmospheric Science Vol. 2 | James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle |
268.3 | Enclyclopedia of Atmospheric Science Vol. 3 | James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle |
268.4 | Enclyclopedia of Atmospheric Science Vol. 4 | James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle |
268.5 | Enclyclopedia of Atmospheric Science Vol. 5 | James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle |
268.6 | Enclyclopedia of Atmospheric Science Vol. 6 | James R. Holton, Judith A. Curry, John A. Pyle |
269 | Global Energy and Water Cycles | K.A. Browning and R.J. Gurney |
270.1 | Journal of The Earth Simulator | Tetsuya Sato |
270.2 | Journal of The Earth Simulator | Tetsuya Sato |
270.3 | Journal of The Earth Simulator | Tetsuya Sato |
271.1 | Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center | Tetsuya Sato |
271.2 | Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center | Tetsuya Sato |
271.3 | Annual Report of the Earth Simulator Center | Tetsuya Sato |
272 | 100 Years of Marine Research in Hawaii/40 Years of Oceanography at UH | David M. Karl |
272.1 | 100 Years of Marine Research in Hawaii/40 Years of Oceanography at UH | David M. Karl |
273 | Our affair with El Nino:how we transformed an enchanting Peruvian Current into a Global Climate Hazard | S. Geroge Philander |
274 | Data analysis methods in physcial oceanography 2nd edition | W. Emery & R. Thomson |
275 | Comuter Modelling in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | P. Muller & H.V. Storch |
276 | Handbook of Mathematical Functions with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables | M. Abramowitz & I. Stegun |
277 | ||
278 | Atlas of Hawaii Third Edition | S. & J. Juvik |
279 | Earth's Climate The Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction | C. Wang, SP Xie, J. Carton |
280 | Intraseasonal Variability in the atmosphere-ocean climate | W. Laun, S. Waliser |
281 | The Turbulent Ocean | S.A. Thorpe |
282 | The Asian Monsoon | Bin Wang |
283 | The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean | Alexander Soloviev, Roger Lukas |
284 | Dynamic Data Assimilation: A Least Squares Approach | J.M. Lewis, S. Lakshmivarahan, & S.K. Dhall |