November 18, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with Andrew Bakun and Jeffrey Polovina about the Pacific Climate and Fisheries Workshop hosted by the IPRC (read)
November 17, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Interview with Juergen Alheit and Claude Roy about the Pacific Climate and Fisheries Workshop hosted by the IPRC (read)
September 12, 2001
[] Bin Wang is cited, among others, on how Japan's Earth Simulator will facilitate climate research.
June 15, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Discussion of S.-P.Xie, W.T. Liu, Q. Liu, M. Nonaka article: "Far-reaching effects of the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean Atmosphere System," Science, 292, 2001 (read)
June 14, 2001
[USA Today] Discussion of S.-P.Xie, W.T. Liu, Q. Liu, M. Nonaka article:"Far-reaching effects of the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean - Atmosphere System," Science, 292, 2001 (read)
June 14, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Discussion of S.-P.Xie, W.T. Liu, Q. Liu, M. Nonaka article: "Far-reaching effects of the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean Atmosphere System," Science, 292, 2001 (read)
June 12, 2001
[Academic Press] Discussion of S.-P.Xie, W.T. Liu, Q. Liu, M. Nonaka article: "Far-reaching effects of the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean Atmosphere System," Science, 292, 2001
April 30, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with Kevin Hamilton, Alan Robock, Georgiy Stenchikov about the effects of volcanic eruptions on climate (read)
March 21, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Interview with Axel Timmermann, Postdoctoral Fellow at IPRC (read)
March 19, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with Jeffrey Polovina and Dick Beamish about PICES Workshop hosted by the IPRC (read)
February 25, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with Eileen Shea about the Training Institute on Climate and Society in the Asia Pacific Region of which IPRC was a co-sponsor (read)
February 19, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with Michael Glantz on preparing for extreme weather events and the Training Institute on Climate and Society in the Asia Pacific Region of which IPRC was a co-sponsor (read)
February 17, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Interview with Richard Rosen, President of the American Meteorological Society, during his IPRC visit (read)
February 12, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Interview with Robert Weller and John Gould about the CLIVAR Pacific Implementation Workshop hosted by the IPRC (read)
February 11, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with John Gould, Robert Weller, Ding Yihui, Yoshifumi Kuroda, and Jose Rutlant about the CLIVAR Pacific Implementation Workshop hosted by the IPRC (read)
January 19, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Interview with Eric Lindstrom and Vikram Mehta about NASA-IPRC-CLIVAR Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability hosted by the IPRC (read)
January 19, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Interview with Jonathan Overpeck during NASA-IPRC-CLIVAR Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability hosted by the IPRC (read )
January 13, 2001
[Honolulu Star-Bulletin] Mr. Takashi Sasagawa's visit to IPRC and SOEST (read)
January 8, 2001
[Honolulu Advertiser] Interview with Vikram Mehta about NASA-IPRC-CLIVAR Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability hosted by the IPRC (read)
News Archive: 2010 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000